am i being abused by my dad?

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    • am i being abused by my dad?

      I've had a not so normal life both my parents have had chronic depression my dad doesnt get depressed any more but my mum has had quite severe mental health problems my entire life.

      Last year around February my mother had another episode forcing me to go and live with my dad and things were ok for a while.

      recently ive found out my mums boyfriend (ex) has a bad heroin addiction
      my mum has managed to overcome it and push down her mental health issues but she is in pieces im left to try and pick everything up,and act like a fully grown man (im 14).
      That was just the weekend,my dad doesn't know any of this or how much stress its put on me but hes still a horrible person,on to my dad

      for the first 13 years of my life i had a weekend dad and we got on amazing,up until i was about 8 or 9 i hated my mom (because i didnt realise the way she acted was because of her mental health problems) but when i reached my first year of highschool my dad started to be really horrible,if i did something tiny wrong he'd scare me and say things that really hurt and if i started to cry he'd either say "im happy you're crying" or make a crying face and call me a baby. one time he got really mad when i didnt tidy my room and pushed me quite hard...then i started crying and he stormed out when he came back he pushed me.when ever this happens he makes me forgive him and then i goes back t normal for a week or two

      I didnt get a choice to live with him either he said that if i moved in it would have to be for a very long time but what was i supposed to do? i was twelve and my mum was in a mental hospital

      today my room was messy because i was working on a big project and then all the shit with my mum's boyfriend happened so i was tired ive had three hours of sleep in the past three days a long way put my room was untidy he came in started throwing my stuff around the room pushed me and then said tidy it because it wasnt to his standard after i tidied it. he had knocked my jacket off the wall hook sohe picked it up and went to put it on the bckof my door i was looking because he wasnt putting my jacket where it lives and he turns round gets right in my face and starts screaming " come on then! you trying to stare me down bitch? come on tough guy" i asked why he was being so mean and he turned it around and said everything was my fault.

      he then took a box and lobbed it down the stairs soon after he kicked all the supplies for my project down the stairs,and then got in my face again and said"if this happens again im going to come in here and smash everything in this room to pieces,i'd never lay a finger on you but everything in here is getting destroyed"

      he makes out that he'd never hit me but i feel like he will i constantly have my guard up when he's angry just incase and hes just so horrible.

      ive talked to one of my teacher and she said its my choice where i live so im going to see if i can open up to her tommorow and go back to my mum.even if i dont see my dad fora while it might make me feel better

      is this abuse r am i just over reacting?
    • You are being abused, mentally, emotionally and very likely physically. I think it is urgent that you ask your teacher to spend some time with you privately so you can open up and tell her more. In the situation you are in, it would be good if you put a lot of this into writing and give to your teacher so they have a record of it. So they can discuss with their staff in private on how to proceed. There are procedures in place at schools to handle delicate situations like your's. You don't say whether you are in the UK or in another country, but in the UK there is definitely help at hand.

      If you are in the UK, call Childline. It's free and doesn't show up on your parent's phone bill: ChildLine

      I'll try and find some other online website to help you. If you don't want to say which country you are in, private message me and I'll look for a child help website and return it privately to you.

      Welcome to Teen Hut.

      Poppi :)

      Sometimes the best memories people make, are new ones.
    • I had a talk with my teacher (shes more like a school councillor) and she said that i need to tell my mum and move back in with her.

      today i came back from school and took more abuse off him,because i got paint on my bed im a liar apparently and my room still isnt tidy enough for him. he hit my TV,called me all names under the sun and called my hobbies gay(yes he is that stupid that the word gay can still be used as an insult) because im nerdy.

      I am going to have a serious chat with my mum and hopefully move out soon if you have any other advice id appreciate it

      i live in the uk btw :)

    • britishbakura wrote:

      I had a talk with my teacher (shes more like a school councillor) and she said that i need to tell my mum and move back in with her.

      today i came back from school and took more abuse off him,because i got paint on my bed im a liar apparently and my room still isnt tidy enough for him. he hit my TV,called me all names under the sun and called my hobbies gay(yes he is that stupid that the word gay can still be used as an insult) because im nerdy.

      I am going to have a serious chat with my mum and hopefully move out soon if you have any other advice id appreciate it

      i live in the uk btw :)

      I thought you might live in the UK, but your username also is an anime. However, all I could give you was that other website so perhaps you could join under a different name and use their forum for support.

      You must have a very serious talk with your mother. Make a shortlist of the main points to help you keep focussed. Listen to her, don't interrupt. At first she may be very upset and might deny it. This I found out when doing voluntary work at Centrepoint in London, where denial is a cover-up for shock.

      If at any time you feel like injuring yourself which is a depression-fuelled reaction to what some abuse suffers do, not that I am suggesting you are, then contact the Samaritans. Their phone number is on their website: Top right-hand corner . Again, calling them will not show up on your parent's phone bill. The Samaritans are trained professionals from all walks of life. Some might even be a doctor offering themselves to help.

      I wish I could do more, but I will if I can.

      All the best,

      Poppi :)

      Sometimes the best memories people make, are new ones.