Does he like me?

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    • Does he like me?

      Hi everyone!! I am new here and I just wanted to hear your opinion on this. I basically met this guy a few weeks ago, through my parents because he works for them. Yes, thats right, he is a little bit older than me. I don't know for sure how old he is but I'm guessing 20 or 21. I have liked him since I first saw him. I just don't know if he likes me back? And now I'll never ever see him again because he finished his work for my parents. It was very difficult to talk to him because my parents were always there. When I was there he always said hi to me and smiled. He came up to me twice and started a conversation. On a really hot day, he once came up to me and asked me if I wanted to drink some coca cola. He even got a glass for me. The weird thing is that he didn't ask my mom nor my dad, just me. On the last day, (I didn't know it was the last day and I only found out the next morning) he looked at me as I walked back to the car. (probably because he knew he'd never see me again). Do you think he likes me or was he just being friendly? I also found out his name and I found him on facebook. We even have some mutual friends. Should I add him? Or is he going to think I am a creepy stalker? And how long should I wait till I add him?

      Thanks!!! <3
    • Of course you should add him. right away!, In fact, it's probably the easiest way to make a move ever. There's nothing weird about adding someone on Facebook, so go ahead and add your little heart out. he probably thinks your cool and sweet if he does "the smile"
      but proceed with utmost caution. In the presence of the illusive "good" guy, one must shelve one's curiosity in favor of actual manners. Adding a crush on Facebook suggests a familiarity that is present during face-to-face contact. Without this, screen-to-screen contact may prove a bit awks and boring, so if you want to add him but arent really committed to meeting him again, then just be fb friends, but if you are actually interested in this guy then actual contact is required, just be careful.
      What if he adds you first? Whaaaaaaat? This breaks from protocol altogether. If this guy adds you first, you're in for it. this means he is interested!. And he's probably some sort of magic, cool, unicorn guy that will fulfill all your dreams. if you have equestrian skill, you should feel free to proceed. Take advantage.

      All the best <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
      6/5/16 - The date i became permanently in love :lovey: