how should i tell my ex that im still in love with him?

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    • how should i tell my ex that im still in love with him?

      okay so quick overview of our relationship. we started dating when i was 15 (im now 17) and went out for a year but i broke up with him January (and since dated someone else, however it did not last long and ended badly). this past summer me and my ex had a short fling sort of like a relationship without the commitment (but more than fwb? idk) and he kissed me at a party this week end, but he then told me he was sorry and that he was drunk and he shouldn't have done it,
      we are still good friends so how do i tell him that i still like him without making things awkward?
      help? ?(
    • 7teen wrote:

      okay so quick overview of our relationship. we started dating when i was 15 (im now 17) and went out for a year but i broke up with him January and since dated someone else, however it did not last long and ended badly. this past summer me and my ex had a short fling sort of like a relationship without the commitment (but more than fwb? idk) and he kissed me at a party this week end, but he then told me he was sorry and that he was drunk and he shouldn't have done it,
      we are still good friends so how do i tell him that i still like him without making things awkward?
      help? ?(
      Don't return to your ex; it never works. By all means remain your ex's friend, though.

      The reasons why you split remain and as you said, ended badly. It could happen again as in my experience of returning to old flames, it never works out even if the bed was comfy. You are going to change your outlook on a lot of life's aspects over the next 5 years or so, and I'd advise you not to be in a great rush, but enjoy friendship and build on it.

      And welcome to Teen Hut. :)

      Sometimes the best memories people make, are new ones.