I'm obsessed with Her

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    • I'm obsessed with Her

      Hello fellows,

      I have a confession and I'm desperate, I like some girl a lot, I've been in love with some girls but this one is something special.

      She did absolutely nothing, she's mystical and she's driving me crazy...I listen to music a lot and some songs remind me of her, when I finish school early I wait for her despite the fact that she finishes later, just so I can see her...not in a stalking or creepy way...for purposes of my "obsession" with her "special-ness".

      I can't describe the feeling but whenever she glances at me I'd just like to explode...its something completely different than all other crush girls.

      I sensed some glances at me from her, she might like me but I'm 3 years older.

      We go to same highschool, she's 1st year in 4th(last) so this sucks because I'm leaving the school next year...is she too young?

      What to do, how can I calm myself down, help. Please.
    • Ok well, i had a girlfriend who was 4 years older than me a while ago, so i don't think she is too young. I can tell youu're being obsessive, obsession prevents your personal growth and individuation, so i suggest distracting yourself, join an after school sport so you don't have any excuse to wait for her. It isn't possible to get all that you need in life from another human being and trying to do so will smother the other person and will leave you feeling dependent and helpless so ease up a little, love is nothing to lose your mind over, this isn't even love at all, just obsessive behavior. KNOW this, This person cannot fulfill the things that lack within you; only you can do that. Being obsessive is a choice, you're allowing yourself to bbe obsessed. While you are obsessing over one person, it is possible that you are failing to see the limitations of the relationship and its use-by date. Meanwhile, the person who would actually be more compatible with you might walk right on by while you're enslaved to an obsessive, one-sided relationship. By not obsessing over any person in your life, you free yourself to know that the relationships you are in are right for you, and if not, to start extricating yourself and looking for healthier connections.

      Adjust your pace
      6/5/16 - The date i became permanently in love :lovey:
    • @B'ni Dhana

      I see where you're pointing at, from what I see you're really good at this and I'm already more calm.

      I never had a girlfriend before so I don't know how this really works, I also don't know what would I do if I had one... if I'm honest I'd just like to look at her (this isn't ment to be creepy, like starring) , I have to learn a lot on this area.

      Basically one reason for my 'desperation?' is that she is so young, I would've asked her out if she was a bit older.
      I have to get some courage which I lack a lot.

      Thank you for your answers, advices are welcome.