Should I Make A Move or Wait for Him to?

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    • Should I Make A Move or Wait for Him to?

      Hey guys, so I'm wondering if I should "make a move" for lack of a better phrase.
      I met this guy last year at the end of May right before the semester ended through a mutual friend. We started talking/texting and about the middle of june went on a date. We met at a coffee shop and the first thing out of his mouth after I ordered a drink was that his pet died. :( I apologized and we still proceeded with the date. It was our first meeting face to face though so it was a bit awkward just cause I had never been on a date before and well he had told me his pet died and insisted on staying after I told him we could reschedule, i guess he felt obligated since we had gotten rained out of the first time we had tried to meet up. I felt like it went ok but i have no other gauge because i hadn't been on an official date (lol). We walked around the shop and he showed me some art his deceased good friend had made at the shop and after we walked out we hugged and agreed to "do this again sometime". We texted a couple of days after the date, i left him alone thinking that he would want the space seeing that his family pet just died. we texted a little but it fizzled out around the beginning of july.
      School started up again and we ran into each other on our ways to class. We noticed each other, and he looked like we wanted to come say something to me but I was with a girlfriend and I think he was too nervous to come up to with my friend so close. I waved hello to him though and shortly after he shot me a few texts. Add another few weeks of silence and a few random texts. and then this semester came up and now we have art class together. We've talked a tiny bit, but I'm afraid he might think that my gay friend is my boyfriend. I just carpool with my gay friend but he's very touchy feely toward me and sort of made it a point to say very loudly that we ride together and are close. He is protective of me I guess even though I've told him that the guy I'm interested in was in class with us. My gay friend doesn't seem stereotypically "gay" right off the bat though and idk if he knows but he's been acting different in that class ever since I told him the guy I like is in there. Me and guy I went on the date on are only two easels apart, one person and my gay friend in between he and I, I made a move to go to the easle right next to him when the girl that was next to him moved and we sorta flirted a little bit, but nothing major, just little things. I also haven't heard anything from him yet since class started, and it's been a couple weeks.

      Should I text him or start a convo? And if so how what could I say? We haven't talked in a while and a feel like my gay friend might accidently get in the way with/withough meaning to... ?(
      ~She's got a little book of conspiracies right in her hand. She is paranoid, endangered species headed into extinction.~
    • Hey

      First of all about ur gay friend, it's very normal of your close, specially guy friends, to be possesive of you. But it shouldn't come in your way right? Maybe you could talk to him about it u know..assure him That he needn't feel insecure about your friendship.. N how ut mught be causing misunderstandings that you do not want.

      About the guy... If he is showing interest in talking to u but isn't able to, along with the misunderstandings, he just might not be comfortable enough with u in public yet.... N that'll be fine with time i think. So maybe you could text him, if u are genuinly interested (you don't seem very impressed with your first date but u cud give it a try if u want) . You can casually chat with him at first n ull know if he's still interested. Chancrs are that his misunderstandings about ur gay friend will be cleared then. He might even ask u directly about it. Or else well.... He'll act weird n awkward but make it a point to ask him y n all n clear it then n there i think.

      Then well... Im guessing things will flow.
      I don't think there's much point in simply waiting, if he really is confused about u and ur gay friend, not his fault.