Not depressed, just...empty?

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    • Not depressed, just...empty?

      Hello everyone. Just badly in need of sorting my thoughts out and possibly getting some advice.
      I think I know what real depression feels like. I was always snappy and needed to cut every couple of hours. This had a reason- I had a fallout with the only person I considered a friend. Then, with exams closing in, I cut because I was scared of failing too.

      It's been 3 years since then. Last year, my father passed, but I didn't feel angry to a prominent extent; I didn't cut unless family and school life was overwhelming. Since then, I lost my interest in art and writing. Each time I tried to get back in I would freeze up, which was extremely frustrating. So I quit those and got into swimming. It was a spurt of enthusiasm, but over the recent months that has been waning as well. I don't watch movies or TV shows with past vigor; I keep thinking to myself that I'm not "in the mood" yet. If there's one thing that hasn't changed, it's how seriously I'm taking my education. I still put in decent effort even though I'm basically asleep throughout morning classes.

      I just don't know what I'm doing with my spare time anymore- nothing seems interesting. I kind of just roll around in bed until I conk off from exhaustion. Then wake up and sleep in class. Rinse and repeat . ||
    • it sounds to me you have lost your passions for life in general, this is normal as your cicrcumstances change because your changing with them do your best to accept the change which is going on in your life rather than causing frustation which gets you no where and instead of trying to force new passions which sounds like what you are doing with swimming let them come naturally the writing block shows your forcing creativity jusy let it flow i personally used to just glide through days trying to look for something to take up my time and take my mind of accepting things as they are this becomes a bad habits of trying to escape rather than accept your circumstances and when you stop trying to look for purpose all the time inspiration will follow try to be grateful for all things in your life right now i know it hard but it helps more then anything in the world to have a positive attitude and saying no to negativity which only puts you down "time does not heal everything but acceptance heals everything"-buddha
    • Well in most of the occasion whenever we are suffering from these situations; we lost the hope towards life and faith towards living. We should generate the passion of living again in our life; otherwise we are completely captured under the shadow of depression. The best way to overcome from depression is keep working in busy schedule that we should forget the particular fact due to which we are suffering from depression. And take the help of friends, family, outing, trips, traveling and meeting new people in life, making new friends, getting excited in work and others. Hope we reduce our level of depression through these acts.