Continue loving her, try to be her friend or forget it?

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    • Continue loving her, try to be her friend or forget it?

      I've felt some feelings for my best friend since the first day I met her. Now that I told her what I felt for her, she don't treat me as it was the whole last 2 years. We don't talk anymore as we used to, neither joke at class as we just to, nor snapchat... It is like a complete loss. I started forgetting the idea I wanted to be more than friends with her and things got a little bit better. At least that was talking a little bit in class, joking around a little, and some snaps but all of that wasn't even close to what we had. There's so much I could tell but the real question is this... Should I keep trying, try to be her friend or forgetting her? Another thing, when I try to be just friends, sometimes she treats me good and sometimes I feel she treats me like shit, like another classmate. Close friends have told me to forget her and someday she will regret and come back to be at least friends but since she is ( and always would be) my best friend, I don't want to keep her apart. I'm so confused right now, I want to hear some advices because I don't want to miss her from my life since she is a really huge part of it and if I should let things roll and forget her.
    • it is done. Can't be friends. It is over. One can never ever fall in love with a best friend. It ruins everything. Loose a best friend and a love when it is over. The loss is the worst break up possible. Lovers can't easily go back to being friends. Maybe years later.. But not soon. Friends can stay friends forever.. Too easy to lose a lover.. Lost love hurts too much anyway.. Don't ever make it worse by also losing a best friend.