Body changing so fast

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    • ok.. Since I started this thread I was thinking today what other things changed since the boobs came. TV.. I can't watch what I want on TV anymore. If I'm into a show.. It doesn't really matter. This might be hard to understand.. What do boobs have to do with TV.. I have two little brothers. Twins - about 4 years younger than me.. They are 9 now. We used to have little fights over who got the remote.. I always won. I could choose to give it to them.. But I had all the power last year when things were still flat. Then about 6 or 7 months ago it changed.. I'm watching TV sitting on our ratty couch.. Gossip girl reruns.. Or Pretty Little Liers.. Something like that.. The brothers just watch stupid cartoons.. They go for the remote.. We have our little fight.. No body ever got hurt.. Just wrestle.. I'm bigger than them.. I was careful.. Just push them around and stuff.. Till they give up.. Or till I get too annoyed.. But that time a stray fist or elbow or foot found a week spot I hadn't thought too much about.. They were much smaller then..plum size..or smaller maybe.. I just ignored them back then.. It was before the boobs bothered me so much like now. But when that happened I went from being in charge to being in pain.. One hand went to hold my chest and my brothers beat me. For the first time I lost the remote when I had wanted to keep it. They got the remote. I held my chest and went to my room in pain. After that the little basterds (I love them.. So that is kind of a joke) knew my chest was weak..They learned fast. They were only 8 then so dont think they really understood then.. not even too much now.. They would just aim for my chest.. The weak spots that gave them the remote control reward.. Hard pokes..maybe little fists.. And I couldn't block both of my little brothers.. Even If I just covered my chest they would still win..hit my belly..or tickle me..or both.. And they still tried to poke my chest then too.. I just started giving them the remote and leaving, or watching their stupid cartoons.. Now my chest is more like orange size and hurts 100 times easier than before.. They dont even need to aim for the weak spots now.. The weak spots are much bigger and swinging everywhere and just in the way now.. I don't even think to fight with my brothers now.. They win.. Instead of fighting my little brothes and getting hurt I just take my ridiculous boobs to my (their) room. Now my little brother's know they are in charge. That is another big change since the boobs came..
    • Ok.. More comedy... All good today. I took the shoestrings off my dirty blue tennis shoes.. It was either those or the dirty white tennis shoes... (Walmart brand) but I wear the dirty white ones more. So now with a total of 4 shoestrings I made a bra which actually worked! I already had the other two shoestrings from a pair of my brothers shoes. Also I cut 2 - 5 inch squares from a T-shirt that got way too tight..I used a needle and thread and made the T-shirt squares so they could slide on the shoestrings kind of like on a string bikini top. I tied one shoestring around me right above the girls.. One tied around me right up under the girls - both tight. Added the blue shoestrings as shoulder straps and things were actually way better. I could run much easier! The 5 inch squares looked about right while I was making my homemade bra.. But after it was on the "cups" looked too small..probably could have been 6 inch squares.. But nothing came out.. the girls stayed in.. just as I hoped! Things were held pretty well.. The strings dug in some and left some marks.. over my shoulders.. on my sides under my arms.. and under the girls.. Hurt a little too.. But any pain from the bra thing was way less than the normal pain from the bouncing orange size torture machines growing on my chest. When I'm running and playing sports anyway...just rediculous useless (but really pretty) round bouncy torture machines...

      So.. My mom has no sympathy for my boob struggles. I think she kind of secretly enjoys it. Reliving her younger days. Now - When my mom goes to the Doctor - like for a cold - the Doctor never gets to the cold part.. He just sees her and starts talking about a breast reduction. About 2 years ago the Doctor even brought in the scales they normally used to weigh babies.. And had my Mom weigh her chest. The big one was 29 pounds.. The other was 27... So this is what I'm dealing with. My boob issues now - are nothing for her.

      Conversations with my Mom go something like this.. ”Mom.. I'm growing.. Do you think I need a bra"... She says something like this.. "If we were normal - you would have a bra, you would have even had one of those little training bras.. (Now pointing to her chest) but we are not normal... You are riding the same booby train I came in on... We don't have much money (like I don't know) if we buy you a bra today.. You will just want a bigger one next month.. And talk about training bras... When you get as big as me a bra won't fit you, or do any good anyway... The best training bra for you is just no bra at all... But maybe when you are 17 - if you keep growing..”.. (She has some hang up about being 17 and getting a bra... See below..)

      Then when I complain because they hurt... She just says " no pain no gain!!"

      I often complain to Mom about how terrible it is having boobs.. i cant do anything.. my boobs just hurt and always want me hold them when I'm doing something active..when I'm having fun!

      Mom thinks I'm no where near needing a bra - and yet the girls mostly kill me when I do anything beyond walking.. sometimes even then! SO UNFAIR!!!! My mom just starts her talk then "You think they hurt now... just wait 6 months.. you will be crying.. just wishing you were back to your nice little C cup life... this is as free you're ever going to be.. enjoy it".. or maybe she just says.. "learn to enjoy the suck".... or she will roll her eyes and look down at her chest.. and says "join the club"

      Then.. Maybe I have a hard time playing.. wrestling.. or a little fighting with my little brother's and I take still another hit to a boob... Mom will say "Oh, you're OK... Just walk it off" (and actually walking right then just hurts the throbbing boob in pain even worse).. Sometimes she will also say... "you know It's all fun and games till someone gets punched in a boob!!"

      When my Mom was in highschool (age 17?) They made her run for PE to pass the class.. She says she begged them not to make her run.. (I can't run with these... How can you expect me to run with these.. (Again.. Pointing to her boobs..)) Her PE instructor told her they have two tests.. One for boys and one for girls.. You are a girl, you have to pass the test for girls to pass the class. So she ran. The story goes it was during that run her chest bounced so much/so hard that she broke a clavicle (left side)...

      Her Doctor wouldn't let her wear a bra while the bone healed.. nor for 6 weeks after the cast came off so the bone strength would be strong enough to hold her bra strap again.. It was then that she gave up and dropped out if school... She was so far behind then.. And she had failed PE...(I think that time without a bra when she was 17 makes her think getting one at 17 is ok)

      So.. Probably no one understands.. But I'm pretty freaken scared of the "booby train" I'm riding on.. I still like playing sports with the guys even tho it is hard now and normally hurts the girls a whole lot... sports and doing active "guy" things is just what I've always done... My fun... My friends.. I never fit in with the pretty girls just sitting on the bleachers gossiping... So - to live, I'm now making homemade bras from freaken shoestrings and old shirts.. duct tape... or shoestrings and a cut up sock.. Just trying anything to keep the boobs from killing me all the time...

      So it is OK if it's funny.. Happy to bring a smile or two.. I know this problem isn't normal.. I don't know anyone with this issue.. Everyone else I know is normal.. Normal like in a world where really big is a D cup...

      Besides.. Laughing is good.. But when I'm alone and stop to think about it.. normally.. I just cry...

      And I think so too.. Boobs are great.. They look great in the mirror.. They look great in the mirror now when I give them a nice little bounce or two...or three...or more.. great if that is all I plan to do... stand fairly still and look in the mirror... But trying to really do things with them.. No bra.. Soooo hard..

      Should be better now, for a while, with my homemade bra.. but 29 pound boobs.... Not great... Scary...really really really scary!!! absolutely not wanted!!!

      Reductions cost about $30,000++... Just as well be $10 not planning on that option... and they won't even do it till a girl is 18 or older anyway...and then the scars are like Frankenstein boobs... not pretty!

      Really happy to write about it though.. Just no one I know to talk to.. Mom laughs at me.. and my friends are all boys.. they have no idea what it is like to grow boobs that hurt.. and slow one down.. and to be scared of how big and painful they are going to get..the boys are my best friends - but they dont have this problem..can't understand..

      If funny - it's OK.. Maybe someone out there will understand how scared I am of these things growing on my chest. I have no control.. just bigger and bigger is coming... I see my Mom.. thinking i'll be about like her.. (she likes to remind me sometimes a daughter's boobs get bigger than their mother's) she is so unable to do anything at all..she can't chase the kids around the house.. she can't even bend over and pick something up off the floor.. in a few months... maybe a year.. i'm due to be so big no way to play football or basketball with the guys.. afraid I'll lose my best friends..and all I like to do...just because of boobs!

      Guess I can see really huge boobs being funny to a guy.. I would probably find it kind of funny if a guys dick was so big people kept stepping on it...but probably not so funny for the guy with the huge stepped on dick.... ...If annoyed.. Sorry..

      Thank you...

    • chloereedy wrote:

      if that's you in your pic then bloody hell your tits aren't even that big?????
      haha i thought you were talking to me for a sec! i was about to go full macho on you then i looked down and was like... there is no way she's talking about me
      One does not simply taste Jade's flavour.