Body changing so fast

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    • Jade G. wrote:

      chloereedy wrote:

      if that's you in your pic then bloody hell your tits aren't even that big?????
      haha i thought you were talking to me for a sec! i was about to go full macho on you then i looked down and was like... there is no way she's talking about me
      "Carefree, wherever we maybe. We are the famous CFC"
    • all good.. Happier now.. Been wearing the home made bra a couple of days.. Mom saw I had it on and laughed - but didn't make me throw it away. I played football with Jake, David and the guys... So much better with the bra (Bounce Reduction Assembly).. Back like I could play a few months ago.. I could run without squeezing my elbows together so my arms would kind of hold my boobs.. I didn't need to stop and hold the girls because they hurt!!.. Didnt need to put one hand on the other shoulder so my arm would hide my bouncing boobs. Just bind the boobs up tight in the homemade bra and embarrassment level down..pain level down.. Happier girls again! More fun again!!! Yahoo!!

      I've been helping Jake mow yards too.. I have $21 saved for a real sports bra.. i should get to help Jake more on Saturday. Taking care of the boobs such a pain.. Lots of effort just so they don't hurt when I'm out doing what I like with the guys... Jake was happy I could play better again.. He was also happy I didn't have such a hard time with my chest. He checked on me a lot..

      Jake said the next time his family has a BBQ party he plans to ask me over.. He wondered if I planned to say yes ro his invitation - Because if I planned to say no he might not ask. He is so cute... I told him I planned to say yes! I've been to Jakes house before.. met his family.. but always in a group of friends.. i was never invited alone before!
    • Renalynn89 wrote:

      all good.. Happier now.. Been wearing the home made bra a couple of days.. Mom saw I had it on and laughed - but didn't make me throw it away. I played football with Jake, David and the guys... So much better with the bra (Bounce Reduction Assembly).. Back like I could play a few months ago.. I could run without squeezing my elbows together so my arms would kind of hold my boobs.. I didn't need to stop and hold the girls because they hurt!!.. Didnt need keep one hand on the other shoulder so my arm would hide my bouncing boobs. Just bind the boobs up tight in the homemade bra and embarrassment level down..pain level down.. Happier girls again! More fun again!!!

      I've been helping Jake mow yards too.. I have $21 saved for a real sports bra.. i should get to help Jake more on Saturday. Taking care of the boobs such a pain.. Lots of effort just so they don't hurt when I'm out doing what I like with the guys... Jake was happy I could play better again.. He was also happy I didn't have such a hard time with my chest. He checked on me a lot..

      Jake said the next time his family has BBQ party he plans to ask me over.. He wondered if I thought I would say yes or no to his invitation.. Because if I thought I would say no he would be less likely to ask.. He is so cute... I told him I planned to say yes!
      I'm confused. Why didn't you just get a bra in the first place? Who in this day and age makes their own bra?
      "Carefree, wherever we maybe. We are the famous CFC"
    • .. its long.. but you could read the other posts.. but to save time.. in a nutshell:

      My mom is super huge on top.. dont even know what size they are..just giant.. like M cups or something crazy huge like that.. nothing fits her... that big...

      She thinks I dont need a bra for my little growing C cups.. I'm 12.. almost 13 years old..

      Mom cant work.. and We are crazy poor since my Dad died.. and Mom thinks buy one for me now & I will just want a bigger one next month because she is sure Im going to be huge like her before I stop growing... a year ago I was flat.. now I'm a C cup.. i think Mom might be right about my chest.

      This whole giant boobs growing on me thing scares me all to hell... I'm into sports.. a tomboy...

      The C cups already kill me.. i had to make a homemade bra just to do anything.. maybe my boobs are too sensitive... i dont know.. but I cant hardly run or play football now with my free boobs just bouncing and bouncing and bouncing- add in some elbows.. occasionally getting hit in the boob by a football.. Or a direct tackle hit in the boob by Mark's shoulder at running speed (worst pain in my life.. I couldn't do anything but hold my boob and walk real slow home... After I was able to walk again).. ... So need to hold them..protect the girls.. a bra is easier/ less embarrassing than using my arms or hands all the time...

      Can't imagine how bad life will be if they really keep growing.. Really freaken scared of them getting bigger.. No control.. Can't do anything but watch them grow.. Really sucks! Sucks now with a C cup. How bad will it suck later.. I can't even imagine.. And these things are growing on me!!!

      A year ago.. Nothing... Then like 6 months ago I had little easy to ignor plums... Then wtf... A little bigger and the boobs started constantly screaming for attention when ever I did anything active... Sooo sucks!!

      Guys don't have this problem.. Imagine a set of testicles growing bigger than watermelons.. Then - they are designed to bounce... They weigh as much as watermelons so you can't really stop them from bouncing.. And each freaken bounce causes so much pain that you give up everything you do... And need to spend $50 to $100 on a special dick bra to hold them so they don't really hurt just walking... Then what do you do if you have no money.. No ride to a store.. And a dad who just laughs at your "problem".. Only this doesn't happen to testicles...

      A year ago I could do anything.. 6 months I could mostly ignor the boobs... Now at a C cup they are the most important things in my world.. Just anything to keep them from hurting.. Bras.. Arms.. Hands... Anything to keep them from bouncing hard.. They became the most important thing... Requires Constant attention..or a Real tight.. Real hot bra..if I go out.. Who designed these things? Not a girl!!! Trust me... I did not ask for this!!!..

      Sorry.. The nut shell just kept growing... Part of the theme...
    • Speaking of bras, I went shopping yesterday to get a new one and I found a BEEEEAUTIFUL one and it was nice BUT when I was trying stuff on a hanger got caught on my dress and it ripped so like I was falling out of my dress and had to buy a new one but it was soooo worth it because a) I got a sexy new bra and b) I got a sexy new dress :D :D
    • chloereedy wrote:

      Speaking of bras, I went shopping yesterday to get a new one and I found a BEEEEAUTIFUL one and it was nice BUT when I was trying stuff on a hanger got caught on my dress and it ripped so like I was falling out of my dress and had to buy a new one but it was soooo worth it because a) I got a sexy new bra and b) I got a sexy new dress :D :D
      :lovey: ooooh very nice
      "Carefree, wherever we maybe. We are the famous CFC"