my date ditched me in the most disrespectful way. cant find value.

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    • my date ditched me in the most disrespectful way. cant find value.

      So a little about me. I am just a 16 yr old boy with a real heart and soul. I've online dated for many years ( 13 and up apps), and ive found a little success, but never a relationship or ongoing thing. UNTIL! 2 weeks ago i met this girl on MYLol (dont know if u guys r u familiar with this app), but anyways its a dating app. We were flirting a lot and she actually said she loves me and she would text me good night and good morning EVERY single day. (BTW we both live in miami) and anyways we schedule a date together 2 days ago, and it just went terrible D : First of All, she lived near this mall we met up at for a movie, but me on the other hand, had to drive f - ing 51 minutes. i thought it showed a huge commitment. Second of all, she knew how nervous I was, so she did something SUPER WRONG! she brought her friends when she knew how nervous i was, and now i also had to worry about introducing myself to her friends that idk for Shid . thanks for giving me more pressure! i waved and gave a smile, but they looked at me like a couple of ghetto, serious kids and I didnt know what to do. in the inside my feelings were REALLY hurt. A guy who drives 51 minutes deserves more respect than that. THEN we go see a movie, and 5 minutes after we sit down, her friend's phone rings(idk why the friend was in the same movie like wtf!) and she says my date's mom is calling and her sister is in the hospital. My date gets the phone talks a bit. DUDE THATS A FIB/LIE!!! why would her mom be calling her friends phone for something seriously like that. then she says sorry i have to leave. i wanted to watch the movie myself but i was in tears and couldnt emotionally handle myself after so i called a $30.00 UBER DRIVE(becuz it was so far). SHe basically gave me 20 min and i had to drive 51 minutes, thought we were loving each over text, then she brings her mean friends who f-ing used me. When i got home im not gonna lie but i cried to my mom and told her everything and she said dont worry sweetheart that was all on her. I feel like a baby, but thats i feel in the inside. i went to go block her on instagram but she already did, like if anything, you were a mean b word and im the one that should block you

      Now im searching again...but i felt so betrayed, and felt like that date was a piece of garbage D : any advice on finding a girl with value(bc its impossible) and i feel like im never going to find a wife tbh.
    • you're 16 and online dated for many years? only to lead to this? which means every other time has failed.
      wake the fuk up lol, honestly, it's obvious this app dating shit is completely poop. meet someone in reality because you're wasting your life with this shit, it's so fucked that you an see that for yourself
      One does not simply taste Jade's flavour.