Afraid to step out of my home

    • Afraid to step out of my home

      I have a crooked nose and everyone is making fun of me. I'm very much depressed and I don't know exactly how to overcome this feeling. I gather all my courage to go for a function but I was the center of attraction over there as everyone talked about my crooked nose. It has been 2 years since I stopped going to any parties fearing of being teased. I'm fed up of all teasing and harassment and because of it, I lost my confidence to face the public. My parents asked me if I need to undergo rhinoplasty procedure from a clinic in Mississauga. But I'm not sure if that will help me or not. I really need to get out of all these depression. Please help!!
    • uh... why do people even care about other peoples noses lol? everyone should just love each other.

      lady gaga and that guy from drilbit taylor have crooked noses which they were insecure of, um... they just smiled and said fuk yall who dont like my nose, i love it
      Feel my heat.
    • Try going to a psychologist, it really helped me. I wouldn´t go out with my friends or go to parties, I would´t even go to my tennis classes. I still don´t like to leave my house a lot, but I learned that sometimes it can be good for you. My axiety is not gone, but at least I can leave my house and do stuff, in the beggining of the year I would cry because I didn´t want to go to school, just the tought of going out made me sick, I would get horrible stomich aches and anxiety attacks.
      Maybe getting a nose job will make you more confident, but maybe it wont, who knows. Don´t do anything right know, you are still young. My nose looks like a pig nose lol . But I would never change it, it may be ugly, but that is who I am, and I don´t feel like covering it up with make up or botox, it doesn´t matter how horrible it is.
      If you need someone to talk to aobut ugly noses, I´m here. Hope you get better.
    • If your parents are willing to help you to get your nose fixed
      I think that you should have the procedure. My aunt had that done
      and it really looks great. You would never know it was messed up before.
      Please consider having this done. It will transform your whole life and truly
      make you a new person.