New school, depression and no friends

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    • New school, depression and no friends

      Hello i just want to share this with someone. I moved to new school i dont have any friends at the moment and im depressed
      i'm very shy and its hard for me to make friends . My life at this time is so dark
      and boring all i do is from 8am to 3pm im at school then i go home do my homework (it takes me atleast 2hours) and for the time
      its already dark outside. I want to do something like go to gym but i don't have anybody to go with and if i go to gym
      alone i know that everybody will judge me..
      Everybody tell me to do something for hobby for example to do sports to make friends but i'm very shy when i talk with someone for first time.
      I think nobody care about me nobody call me. i feel like nobody is interested in me
      always i'm the one that search someone to go out with. i don't know why nobody likes me i'm not ugly i'm not annoying i'm not boring either.
      My life is boring and i'm depressed. Any advice how i can make my life more interesting??
    • okay definitely don't drink vodka, you'll mess your whole life up. I have been in this situation in the last school I was in, apart from it wasn't long enough for me to get depressed. What I would do, is just try and introduce yourself to the person sitting next to you in any class of your choice. Just say "Hey, I'm (your name). Nice to meet you." If they answer then try and get a conversation going, maybe say something funny, say something about the weather or about the teacher, subject or work assigned. Maybe you could ask for help on specific questions? Eventually try and see if they will help you study, and eventually you'll get the hang of it from there. Trust me, I am extremely shy too, so were kinda in the same boat... I just moves to a new place too, and have to go to a brand new high school where i know not a single soul. It's very tough, but at the end, we will always reach the end goal. Which for now is just to get a friend to talk to.

      About the depression side... talk about your feelings about this to your parents or close relatives. Then talk to a counsellor and they can help you make friends and get you out of this state. Also if you want to go to the gym, don't let the fact that your alone make a difference to weather or not you go to the gym at all. Just plug in headphones, and no one will judge you. Listen to some fitness songs and remixes and dance tunes to help you get a good workout. Once your in really good shape and have big muscles, one of the girls will eventually start talking to you. Or even the guys might ask to be your gym partner to get big muscles like you. Just do things you enjoy that involves other people, and make yourself involved with other people. If you like video games, why not hold a video game club where you just play video games at school? Same with reading and writing and even coding or robotics! If you like anything like that, get the counsellor or your parents to start helping you in becoming the person you were meant to be, not the depressing person you are! Just smile wherever you go and hide the depression in public areas, then talk about it with friends and family in private so no one else knows!

      Hope this helps!!
    • Very sad to know about you. This problem is very obvious, When you go to the new school, you don't have your friends there to enjoy. So, I will recommend that you try making new friends and engage yourself in the other activities like playing video games. Playing video games is the best form of entertainment and which will also help to forget all the other problems. One of my friends has recently bought a new game from this website and also suggested me to buy the same.
    • It is only 'You' who can bring you out of this depression. I can purely understand what are you feeling right now but here, I am going to share some constructive but interesting activities that would help you.

      Baking: I know you will say what kind of suggestions I am going to give you but wait, it will work. You know whenever, I have depression, I do baking. In the beginning, I was poor at baking simple cakes but with passage of time, I am expert at baking cakes, pizzas and buns. You also don't need much money or especially electric devices in this regard. With simple cooker or pan, you can make it happen. Later, you can publish it at your social media accounts or even can open a Youtube channel to earn $$$. What about sharing it with new mates of your school?

      Knowledge Games: I am not saying to be an addict of some destructive kind of video games but yes, you should try to spend some limited time to play coin tossing or quiz games here It wouldn't only a good use of time but also improve your IQ level and general knowledge.

      Focus on Study: You know a number of people in the world don't love you or want to interact you because of your innocence, honesty or personal characteristics but they love to be a friend of you because of your status or your position. A bright student has many friends. So, appear as a brilliant student in the school.

      Sports: As a great support of physical activities. Instead of joining a gym, it is a better idea to participate in sports like football, tennis, etc.

      I hope, my pieces of advice will help you. Don't forget to share your views with me.