Nobody cares to talk to me or invite me out.

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    • Nobody cares to talk to me or invite me out.

      Im first year in high school. I dont know anybody in my class. And when i try to approach someone im getting rejected. For example in the breaks i go to someone and start talking to them .. asking them question and they dont show any interest in me. Every time i ask them a question they answer me with two words or just no/yes . Nobody ever came to me and said "hey what is going on?" or "hey how are you nice to meet you" nobody asked me to hang out but when i do they change the topic or say that they are busy. And i feel like im the only one who is being like that. Where is the problem ? What am i doing wrong?
    • Szantie wrote:

      Im first year in high school. I dont know anybody in my class. And when i try to approach someone im getting rejected. For example in the breaks i go to someone and start talking to them .. asking them question and they dont show any interest in me. Every time i ask them a question they answer me with two words or just no/yes . Nobody ever came to me and said "hey what is going on?" or "hey how are you nice to meet you" nobody asked me to hang out but when i do they change the topic or say that they are busy. And i feel like im the only one who is being like that. Where is the problem ? What am i doing wrong?
      Maybe you're coming on a little strong to people. You have to remember that you're just as much a stranger to them as you are to them. I would suggest getting involved with some organizations/clubs/sports in your school, people are normally much more welcoming and easier to connect with.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling
    • The only thing you're doing wrong is letting this get to you. I used to be the same way you are but I realized that in order for people to want to talk to me, I have to be comfortable being alone with myself. You're only in your first year of high school. It's a new environment with completely new people. You might've been the top dog at your old school but here you're just a guppy. Just learn to be happy by yourself. Learn to love yourself more without needing people to smile with you. Learn to not need anyone to sit with you at lunch or be your friend to have piece of mind. I used to be just like you until I discovered this. Trust and believe me that as soon as you start loving yourself more and not caring about other people, everyone will care about you. You'll have a larger amount of friends than you ever dreamed you could, you will be "the best" at everything you do even if you aren't truly the best at it. Understand that if you just take 1 month to get to know yourself and love yourself whether with people or not, it will make a HUGE difference and it will change your life for the better.

      Please subscribe to my YouTube channel if you liked my advice, I do a lot on there