How to meet boys?

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    • at school we read mice & men. never ready that other book. i like adventure books. last summer i read "into the wild". kinda sad story, but really really good.

      best place to meet boys is the water park during the summer. we have a free water park, and wild waves water park that requires a season pass that cost money. i like going to both, but mom does not like us going to the free water park because there are too many creepy kinds of people there that do drugs, and want to meet girls who will do sex with them. because she does not want us going to free water park, she buys a season pass to wild waves so its kinda free for
    • HayleyW wrote:

      at school we read mice & men. never ready that other book. i like adventure books. last summer i read "into the wild". kinda sad story, but really really good.

      best place to meet boys is the water park during the summer. we have a free water park, and wild waves water park that requires a season pass that cost money. i like going to both, but mom does not like us going to the free water park because there are too many creepy kinds of people there that do drugs, and want to meet girls who will do sex with them. because she does not want us going to free water park, she buys a season pass to wild waves so its kinda free for
      You will most likely read The Great Gatsby later on in school.

      Also good for your Mom. You don't want to hook up with guys doing drugs and that just want you for sex. Plus you are only 12 so get that sex thing out of your mind young lady. :)
    • Jada wrote:

      HayleyW wrote:

      at school we read mice & men. never ready that other book. i like adventure books. last summer i read "into the wild". kinda sad story, but really really good.

      best place to meet boys is the water park during the summer. we have a free water park, and wild waves water park that requires a season pass that cost money. i like going to both, but mom does not like us going to the free water park because there are too many creepy kinds of people there that do drugs, and want to meet girls who will do sex with them. because she does not want us going to free water park, she buys a season pass to wild waves so its kinda free for
      You will most likely read The Great Gatsby later on in school.
      Also good for your Mom. You don't want to hook up with guys doing drugs and that just want you for sex. Plus you are only 12 so get that sex thing out of your mind young lady. :) should talk to my sister, she is the one who's flirting with boys all the time, its like her favorite thing to do, and all that she talks about. i have to put my headphones on sometimes so i don't have to listen to her. when my brother's friends come over to play video games or watch movies, she always flirting with them, making them popcorn or pizza or ice cream, all kinds of stuff. then always has to sit between two boys while watching a movie.

      i don't know anybody who does drugs, not even at school. but the boys at school are sex crazy or something, at least the older boys are.
    • HayleyW wrote:

      Jada wrote:

      HayleyW wrote:

      at school we read mice & men. never ready that other book. i like adventure books. last summer i read "into the wild". kinda sad story, but really really good.

      best place to meet boys is the water park during the summer. we have a free water park, and wild waves water park that requires a season pass that cost money. i like going to both, but mom does not like us going to the free water park because there are too many creepy kinds of people there that do drugs, and want to meet girls who will do sex with them. because she does not want us going to free water park, she buys a season pass to wild waves so its kinda free for
      You will most likely read The Great Gatsby later on in school.Also good for your Mom. You don't want to hook up with guys doing drugs and that just want you for sex. Plus you are only 12 so get that sex thing out of your mind young lady. :) should talk to my sister, she is the one who's flirting with boys all the time, its like her favorite thing to do, and all that she talks about. i have to put my headphones on sometimes so i don't have to listen to her. when my brother's friends come over to play video games or watch movies, she always flirting with them, making them popcorn or pizza or ice cream, all kinds of stuff. then always has to sit between two boys while watching a movie.
      i don't know anybody who does drugs, not even at school. but the boys at school are sex crazy or something, at least the older boys are.
      You said your sister is 11 years old. I give you permission to slap her up side the head. :) She and you shouldn't be thinking about boys that much. Trust me when you get to High School there is plenty of time to think about boys.

      Definitely stay away from the older sex crazed boys. When you get into the 9th grade and see a 10th grader or even an 11th grader than give them a smile, but still no sex yet.
    • Exactly, I have seen kids I've gone through Elementary and Middle School change and not for the better. Now there are some that have really matured since the Middle School days so it can work both ways. As for sex, if both participants are ready and are mature enough to handle it than I say enjoy it. For me that came at the age of 16 and I don't regret it even though I am not with the guy anymore.
    • Jada wrote:

      GodlyElm22 wrote:

      I don't think you'll find more than a dozen people in my school who haven't at least tried any dr
      There may be more that have smoked weed, but I don't think there are many that have done stronger stuff or at least I don't hang with those people.
      Xanax and cocaine is a big problem here. Xanax isn't anything that you can od on but it's still a drug. I will say you don't remember shit all when you take it
      Dine and dash.