weight causing depression

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    • weight causing depression

      I didn't really know what this would come under but I'm a 14 year old girl and I feel I have problems with my weight. when I was younger I was always the chubbier one or known as fat , I also thought to myself that I was fat every time I would weigh myself or look in the mirror. I started to lose weight at the start of the second year at high school but I still looked chubby. I felt like I was disgusting and I was hopeless. At the start of year 9 I found a good group of friends I hung around with which were mostly boys and I had a group of girl best friends which made me happier. I had now lost quite a lot of weight but I still didn't feel right and felt I was still chubby and fat so at the start of the new year I lost even more weight and I took before and after pictures. recently I had fell out with most of the boys in my friend group as they only wanted to hang out with me because I was a girl , you will probably guess why. But now I'm in a smaller group of boys (only 2) and I feel safe around them and we help each other and an are there we need each other the most . I'm still best friends with the 3 girls in my other friend group.
      I just finished y9 and my body weight is at its lowest it ever has been and I think myself as fat and weigh myself continuously and eat little food a day, I also haven't had my period in a while. my friends call me anorexic and skinny most the time my dad usually shouts at me about my weight . I just want to be skinny and have a perfect body and just look like all the other girls , but I cant help it once I've lost weight I just want to lose more and more.
      I know other people go through this too and I don't want to sound like an attention seeker but thanks for listening. :)