Divorced parents

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    • Divorced parents

      So, my parents are divorced and they have been since i was about 7, now I'm seventeen and i turn eighteen in a month. My mother has always been pretty absent in my life and after i was 11, i went to live with my dad and lived there until i graduated high school. My mom missed out on all my life events including graduation and other important things. she also made little to no effort to speak to me and i would see her about once every few months. I graduated highschool this past June and i moved in with her to go to college. Up until my junior year, my dad paid my mother child support even though i didn't live with her. He stopped once she got married and i obviously hadn't lived with her for years so it wasn't necessary. Also, my dad has supported me my entire life and has paid for EVERYTHING for me. Now that i live with her, she has been demanding that he pays child support again or at least pays for me to live in my own room.. Anyways, i found out today that she filed a court order, behind my back and is now sueing my dad for child support that he apparently owes for 2012 and that he now has to pay monthly since i now live with her. I have always known that her life revolved around money but i never thought that it would get to this level. I know probably have to move out of her house and it is causing issues between the both of us. I feel sick looking at her and i can't believe she would do something like this. I want to get legally emancipated because i want no ties with her. After years of being absent in my life and being a shitty mother, now she wants money too? I don't know how to feel or what to do and now they have a court date and my mom is acting like everything is alright. Please help me cope with this because I'm really lost right now.