Thinking of buying my gf abroad jewelry, is it too much?

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    • Thinking of buying my gf abroad jewelry, is it too much?

      I’m currently in a long distance relationship with a woman from the Philippines. Through a romance tour, I was able to meet her in person. We’ve been together for eight months now and I was thinking if it would be the right time to send her something special. I’m a man with expensive taste and of course, I want nothing but the best for my lady.

      The number one gift I have in mind is jewelry, but I’m wondering if this idea is too much? My friends suggest that I should send her something a little less expensive first but I can’t deny that a gorgeous woman deserves something equally beautiful.

      A few options I’m seriously considering are couple rings, a necklace with her birthstone as a pendant, and a bracelet. Her favorite flowers are roses which I’m also planning to send along with the jewelry, if I do decide to push through with the idea.

      What do you guys think? Should I buy jewelry as my first gift to her or is it a bit too much? If I do decide to buy, which one should I give to her? I wasn’t planning to make this into a big of a deal but her birthday is coming up and I’m sort of panicking with what to get her. Tips and suggestions please! I really need some help with this!
    • If you really love her, then you can go for something not-from-the-cheapest-end. Jewelry is a good idea as a gift, although it has it's problems when choosing. If you see something she might potentially like, try and imagine her wearing it inside your mind. If she'd wear it, it might be worth getting. Don't get anything too big tho. She's a person after all, not a christmas tree... so don't think of buying more than 1-2 things at a time for her. Personally I'd choose a necklace, a bracelet or a watch of somesort, but you will have to decide yourself. Hope I could help.