Obesity in Teens

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    • Obesity in Teens

      Obesity has increased in recent decades for Canadians of all ages as per the report of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).The number of teens who suffer obesity has doubled in past thirty years. The percent of adolescents aged 12-19 who were obese increased from 5% in 1980 to nearly 25% in 2017. As you all know obesity is an excessive accumulation of body fat such that individuals are over 20 percent heavier than their ideal body weight. Obesity is a common eating disorder associated with adolescence.
      Some health issues associated with obesity include heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, and some forms of cancer. Studies suggest that overweight children are more likely to be involved in bullying – both as victims and as perpetrators of teasing, name-calling, and physical bullying – than normal weight children.
      Obesity in teens can be related to poor eating habits, overeating or binging, lack of exercise.
      The big task for us is to manage obesity in teens. Few steps include starting a corporate health and wellness programs which help in weight-management, change eating habits (eat slowly, develop a routine), plan meals and make better food selections (eat less fatty foods, avoid junk and fast foods), increase physical activity (especially walking) and have a more active lifestyle eat meals as a family instead of while watching television or at the computer.