please help me! i need advice on the boy i like!!

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    • please help me! i need advice on the boy i like!!

      So I'll get right to it... I like this guy, let's just call him C. Other people in this 'story' will be my 2nd best friend, V, and my former enemy turned friend, J. J and V are best friends with C, and V used to bring him with him to my art class before it started, and I used to be there and I remember thinking how good looking I thought he was... HOT DAMN! Anyways, that was last year, and this year, on our school retreat, I was in C (and V)'s group, so I got to know him and talk to him for pretty much the first time. At school, our groups hang out in different areas, never cross paths, and aren't supposed to interact. Their group is known as 'Comic-con' because they are all nerds, and my group is semi-popular. To date him would be to commit social suicide, but I don't really care about popularity anyways, so I'm not worried about that. I added him on Snapchat a couple of weeks ago and we've been snapping every day. It's not all the time though, neither of us really use snap so it's maybe 2 snaps a day from each of us. Anyways, I told this other friend of mine, who we will call D, that I liked C, because I felt bad that I'd told everyone else in my group but her. This is where J comes into the 'story', D freaking goes to school the next day and tells her every single thing I said, also, I thought I should mention that they aren't even friends, J is just like the matchmaker for that group. I confronted D the next day, (I never really liked her, just saying), and now I'm super mad at her because I feel super uncomfortable with J knowing, especially considering our history and the constant competition in art between me and her. I've been talking to her a lot the past couple of days about C, and she keeps asking me if I want him to take me to the Fall Ball (a dance at our school), and the thing is, I DON'T KNOW!!! I used to go to an only girls school, this is only my 2nd year in a co-ed environment, and I'm not that great at talking to boys, even though 2 of my best friends are boys... I'm super socially awkward and really quiet, but I have a really big personality once someone gets to know me. The thing is with me though, that when I really like a guy, I get scared off if/when they like me back. I think it's because I'm afraid that once they know I like them/ if we both like each other, then there will be pressure for something to happen, and confrontation in real life (as opposed to snapchat etc.). I am 15, and I have never had a boyfriend or a first kiss. Part of me really wants to get V or J-actually probably V- to tell C that I like him, because otherwise he'd never know, but the rest of me is terrified that he will try to come up to me and talk if that happened. I do really like him, but I have serious problems in social situations. He is so hot, tall, sweet and smart, and I wish I could just skip the awkward part and date him, but that's obviously not possible. If you made it to the end, thank you so much, I really don't know what to do, any advice would make my day! thank you :)