Random Thoughts and Issues

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    • Random Thoughts and Issues

      I don't know if this is going to be long or short (its long) but I have some ^insert title from above^. First, a few days ago someone in my family has read my journal because they completely dropped it and it came apart and they put it back. I write very personal depressing things in there and ever since, I've just hit a wall. I don't trust my family anymore. Them reading it has completely destroyed me. Second, I don't have any friends. I have 1 best friend but she lives in another state now and we keep in touch through snapchat. I only really get out of my house to go to my local gym and there are some teens there but I feel weird randomly starting a convo with them. I can't stop thinking about who might have read my journal and it makes me very sad. I play xbox sometimes but again mostly to be in a party with my best friend. I just need help, I'm so lonely i feel like I could die from sadness. I need to talk to someone who understands me AND will stick to talking with me further from this. I have no idea what to do with my life rn, I know what I want to do with my future but currently I'm getting there. I need advice and I'll accept whatever you can offer. (friendly way, not in that kind of way. oh my god let me rephrase that.) Um, reply? Or don't, that's ok too.

      ---A very sad lonely teen.