Prevent Happening of Hair Loss in Teenage

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    • Prevent Happening of Hair Loss in Teenage

      The main secret of hair loss solution is to educate yourself first about the happening of hair loss problem and how to prevent it. We all know that hair is made up of the protein called keratin and embedded in a gland (skin) that is called follicle. Normally, human lose 50-100 strands a day according to the hair growth cycle.

      The normal hair loss issues are preventable but if your hair loss cycle has stopped the recycling of hair then there is a need to take care. Before you start losing your hair or when you start noticing hair thinning issues then talk to your doctor.

      No doubt prevention of hair loss can become the lifelong routine but this prevention is important to your social standing and emotional well being.

      The primary hair loss can be due to hormonal issues and can be managed but in case of extreme cases, some measures like hair transplant can help in resolving the problem.