Need help with relationship

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    • Need help with relationship

      - Coming from a 17 year old male
      - Need help with 18 year old girlfriend
      Lately I’ve noticed that my girlfriend has showed even less interest in me. I’ve always seen that she’s not one to initiate sex, making out, talking about anything really, but it’s gotten to the point where I think she has said “I love you” first once in the past two weeks and kissed me first in 3. She has been more of a friend to my slightly younger sister than a girlfriend to me. I tell her I love her multiple times in a day and kiss her face frequently, and I know when to stop if I’m smothering her.
      We started dating a couple months after my brother passed and it’s really why we started hanging out. I understand why she would be nervous to bring it up, but she never has asked how I am doing or how I have been feeling. I am fairly apathetic and still ask her every so often. I got into an argument with my parents about my health and education, and she had come to my room after asking what was wrong, and I told her it was fine. I didn’t want her worrying about things she can’t change. But that is the extent of her interest in my mental health and well being. Please help the last relationship I was in was with a very manipulative girl and it started weeks after my brother died. It almost drove me to suicide 3 months after. I love this girl but I don’t know what to do anymore.
    • It sounds more like she is simply a closed off person. Ask her how she really feels about you. maybe she isn't feeling as commited to the relationship as you. its also possible that she just doesn't want to overstep her boundaries by asking about your brother. Send her a signal that you want to talk about it. If my theory is correct, she will start to talk with you, if not, well, maybe option one is correct.good luck! :thumbsup:
      Addie! :P