Supernatural Abilities

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    • Re: Supernatural Abilities

      I must point out one slight problem with the proposing of the 'genetic theory' for such things on here. Firstly, as identified previously by some intelligent individual, evolutionary theories (i.e. genetics) generally require some 'need' or ill adaptation to be developed overtime, this means if such were genetic it would most likely be limited to one specific power (such as levitation) and not a wide range.

      Sorry for the off-topicness, but had to correct this. Evolution and the process of natural selection do not pander specifically to the needs of a population - a random mutation happens, and if it is advantageous, the member(s) of the population with the beneficial mutation will get more mates and thus the mutation will propogate, and the previous "model" will be removed from the population's gene pool. The mutation at the beginning is random - there are far more useless mutations which just die out. They do not necessarily pander to needs. Note 'necessarily' - coincidence can sometimes create an answer to the need.

      In relation to your argument, you're still right that only one would probably be developed, but more might be developed at the same time, just far less likely.
      Alone again...
    • Re: Supernatural Abilities

      Yeah and you should also mention that most mutations amongs animal organisms are fatal! And that mutations among plants are beneficial what is it... polyploidal or something?

      The chances of an actual mutation being helpful to any human is too great. I guess that is how evolution works ,but anything like that happening I our lifetime is highly unlikely. I guess we can rely on genetic splicing on embryos to make super humans but the ethical implications get in the way....bastards. I for one wouldn't mind having a kid glowing due to firefly splicing(did it already with tobacco plants and other things like rats). Or a daughter who gives spider silk in her breast milk (HAHAHA Goats testing. Used in body armor now!)

      And for SUPERHUMAN abilities? Like super powers? Or actually feasible things like an extra eye or something? For powers it can't possibly work for a countless number of reasons. But there was this guy on the history channel when they were doing studies on spontaneous combustion. He could light things on fire by transferring electric energy in his body. And he could shock you like some kinda eel. LOL But he said it took forever to learn. I so wanna find that guy and be like an apprentice or something. LOL With those powers...I'll burn all the celebrities magazines in sav-on! AND NO ONE WILL READ THAT TRIPE AGAIN! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
    • Re: Supernatural Abilities

      Sorry for the off-topicness, but had to correct this. Evolution and the process of natural selection do not pander specifically to the needs of a population - a random mutation happens, and if it is advantageous, the member(s) of the population with the beneficial mutation will get more mates and thus the mutation will propogate, and the previous "model" will be removed from the population's gene pool. The mutation at the beginning is random - there are far more useless mutations which just die out. They do not necessarily pander to needs. Note 'necessarily' - coincidence can sometimes create an answer to the need.

      You're certainly correct. What I said was running off the basis of having a 'need' for it...or if it encouraged survival in some way...otherwise it would be unlikely to be passed on much and may even be gone as soon as the person dies. For example, I do not see 'walking on water' having much of a help for survival...unless perhaps there are frequent tsunamis or floods worldwide or something...

      For powers it can't possibly work for a countless number of reasons. But there was this guy on the history channel when they were doing studies on spontaneous combustion. He could light things on fire by transferring electric energy in his body. And he could shock you like some kinda eel.

      This seems a bit of a saying 'powers can't possibly work' and then saying that 'a guy on the history channel has powers. Unless of course we all assume he is faking them. Or else we might say that it does not come under 'powers' in which case it is our definition and categorisation that is the reason. But as I pointed out...all those numerous studies...admittedly not much on 'powers' but certainly on 'feats' that indicate influence. Of course, you all have lives (I hope) so aren't going to spend much time looking at them, but I'd urge anyone who wants to say 'it can't possibly work' at least try and look at some of them, and be well read up on the various studies so they can provide reasons why intelligently.
    • Re: Supernatural Abilities

      True that was contradictory, thanks it'll keep me sharp. BUT I for one don't classify mutations as a super power, nor is small electrical transfer in the body.

      And if tests have already been done to prove it's impossible (and no I am NOT going to waste my time looking for examples because I really don't care) then whats to debate? And a topic like this and all is fun but it's like asking if the toothfairy is real.

      And there is a book who's title and author I have conveniently forgotten BUT it goes through every superhero and WHY there power cannot work and the impossible conditons required for them to work. I didn't read most of it but I read a few. FOR EXAMPLE: It says Cyclopes' power cannot work because the force from the eyelasers would break his neck. It obviously goes into greater detail but it was a while ago and I forget.
    • Re: Supernatural Abilities

      Adramlech wrote:

      They say alot of the human mind has yet to be discovered, id rather not have super powers, people are dangerous enough without.

      agreed :)
      [CENTER][SIZE=2]Courage is when you stand up for what's right, even if means being an outcast! [/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • Re: Supernatural Abilities

      HOLY FUDGE!! I WANNA FLLLLYYY ^^ of yet...i haven't exactly gripped this ability without the support of substances vv

      but anyways. I think it's VERY possible. I mean even the simple things like psychics are pretty supernatural if you ask me.

      Has anyone here read "The Chrysalids"? okay well first off it's an amazing book, but also, I'm pretty sure that over time that's exactly what'll happen to society.
      [CENTER]Nobody knows it but you've got a secret smile
      and you use it only for me
    • Re: Supernatural Abilities

      i wannna fly too but i wana do other things too. wana be someone who can absorb the abilities of others like peter petrilli in heroes hehe lol :p
      [CENTER][SIZE=2]Courage is when you stand up for what's right, even if means being an outcast! [/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • Re: Supernatural Abilities

      hehe well with a 100% brain capacity wouldnt you like to have any other powers? flying, superspeed, turning anything you want into gold etc.... :D
      [CENTER][SIZE=2]Courage is when you stand up for what's right, even if means being an outcast! [/SIZE][/CENTER]