Should I stop counting calories at 15?

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    • Should I stop counting calories at 15?

      I am 5”0 and 109 for reference. I want to get to 100, but I’m struggling. I can’t seem to stick with one diet and I get too fixated on counting. I tried keto and it was really really difficult because everything has carbs in it. It’s stressing me out immensely and I wish I could go back to when I used to just eat and didn’t worry about what was in it. Should I be counting calories as a teenager? This calorie counting app I use projects me at 1200 calories a day to lose 2 pounds a week. I haven’t lost any weight and I’m thinking that maybe my body won’t let me lose weight because I’m supposed to be at this exact weight for my height and age. The only reason I started counting is because I live a relatively sedentary life— school most of the day and I walk 3.5 miles with my dogs every day I can. If I can’t do the walk I usually do the treadmill for half an hour alternating between running and jogging. I just don’t understand why I’m not losing anything. But then the other part of me feels like I shouldn’t be worrying and will regret it when I’m an adult that I didn’t just enjoy being a teenager. I’m not specifically aiming for 100 pounds, but I just really want a toned flat stomach and I don’t know how to get it since I can’t join a gym or do specific exercises with equipments. Anyway, I just wish I could go back to when I didn’t used to care about calories, because now I can’t even eat something without thinking that it’ll set me back or make me gain weight. I’m terrified. I’m scared that one cookie or one soda will make me gain 5 pounds and I just can’t enjoy life anymore. If I eat something bad I end up hating myself afterwards and I’ll try to eat less the next day to ‘make up’ for it. It’s screwing with my metabolism, I know, but I just can’t stop. I need some advice on how to just.. stop worrying. I don’t have fun anymore. Food isn’t enjoyable, it’s stressful and scary. Please help.

      TL;DR, counting calories is stressing me out. Should I stop?
    • well you don't want to worry yourself, especially if you get to a certain time of day like 4pm and think "oh no, only 300 calories left! what to do??) but really its more a matter of what (and how much) you eat and to not eat for the sake of eating

      like if it's a certain time like noon or 5pm (as my mum has a habit of) only eat if you feel a need to

      i had a smaller meal yesterday and had a bigger meal later but by 3pm i was done and didnt eat again until this morning!