Not sure what to do

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    • Not sure what to do

      So about 4 months ago I invited a cute and SUPER SHY girl I really liked for a long period of time (more than 4 years- we study at the same school and we live near each other). I called her after a party, And asked if she wants to go out on a movie with me. she answered I don`t know. I said: Well, I will call you in a few days and I will ask again. And so i did. in this time she answered look, I really don`t know... I do not think it is a good idea. I said well.. maybe some other time. goodbye. Its been 3 months from this call and I can`t stop thinking about her.
      since then she never looked me in the eyes, nor spoke to me. we didn`t even said hello. Before that we were not super close but we had "neighbor" relationship. one time I saw she walked behind me to her home (it was about a month ago) and I stopped "to speak on the phone" I wanted her to pass me and then to go and talk with her. she probably understood that and moved to the other side of the road - this was unusual because as i said we live near each other and we went home.
      before three days I walked to school and almost Encountered her. she looked at me. then turned around and kept walking to school. I had to make it at time to class so i walked faster and bypassed her.

      I got really tired from that and clearly she doesn`t feel comfortable around me so I can`t talk to her personally.
      I thought about sending her a message:
      Hi, Its X, I really do not like chatting in the phone, but I can tell that you do not feel comfortable near me, and it can be really awkward to encounter you. I have always seen in you a friend and a really cute girl and when I asked you to go out I didn`t want to make things become so awkward. So, if you are ok with that, I want to make things right.
      if she will answer and i will fill that its right i will ask he:, btw, you didn`t changed the answer about going out, did you?

      I want your advice about 2 things:
      1. is it ok to text her? or I should speak with her?
      2. Is it smart to ask her again like i wrote few lines before?

      thank you.
    • well currently i do have a few people who havent texted me in a few months and the longer you go without the more chance that either the number is changed or something happened to the phone, but id say talk to her since you see her in person and maybe it could be okay for you as some people just forget some things with how much they have to balance

      i know i do