Penis comparison 14 years old

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  • Francesco Orlandi wrote:

    I want to compare with another 14 year old my penis size. No pedos or other sh*T like that pls.
    What's the point? Every 14 year old is different.
    Your size is normal for you.
    Besides, you're 14. You'll get bigger as you get older.

    I'd be careful about giving out your personal email, also. Even though you said no pedophiles, etc., it doesn't mean they won't contact you. And if they ask you to show yours first, don't do it!! There are "dirty old men" who like young boys, too.
    Boys need to be just as careful as girls.

    Then again, how do we know you're not a pedophile, asking for boys' pics?
  • Pauline, you have said that you don't like absolutes such as all and things like that. Yet your repeated comments about "dirty old men" is starting to sound like you believe that all older people that like younger (not sure if a female that falls into that category is still considered as a pedophile or not) are men and can only be men. Older people that like younger can be of both genders and don't have to be just "dirty old men" as you so often refer to them.

    I respect what it is that you are trying to do with this site and even agree that it should be a safe space for teens to ask their questions or curiosities that they wouldn't otherwise feel comfortable or confident enough to ask someone they know in person. But I feel that you have something against older guys and that includes ones that obey the laws of their nation and do not try to have any relationship with anyone under their age of consent laws. Meaning that you would dislike anyone that has an age gap relationship if the older person was a male. I could be wrong about this but have seen you refer to older men as "dirty old men" once too often to think that you don't have an issue with older guys liking younger girls that includes of a legally acceptable nature

    In short everyone should be careful about posting or sharing any personal information about themselves online or even just digitally for that matter as anyone of any age or gender that is smart enough to know how to do it can cause you trouble via either blackmail, sharing that information (be it pic or words) or even just harrassing the person that the information is about.

    For all those that read my part to Pauline I apologise as I went to try and message her but was unable to.
  • I know women can be pedophiles, too, but I think it's safe to say that there are more men pedophiles than women - there are more men who ask for nudes, who ask to sext, ask to hook up, etc. than women.
    I put the phrase dirty old men in parenthesis. It's an expression, for want of a better term. Individuals, if you will, who prey on younger people - people with less life experience and who are easily manipulated/deceived by older individuals who wish to use them for their own (usually sexual) gratification.
    I have been referring to them (as often as necessary) on this forum, lately, because I've been discussing exploited/harassed teens.
    But I've said my piece, I've explained my actions, so I shouldn't have to keep talking about it from now on (unless I have to deal with possible argumentative members with nothing better to do than debate back and forth).

    (And for the record, there are too many teenagers and young adults who are skilled in deceiving others, also - again, often for self-gratification.)

    I have something against anyone who abuses another person - regardless of their gender or age.
    I don't dislike anyone - I dislike what anyone does when they take advantage of/abuse another person, even if it is legally acceptable.
    And I have nothing against an older person who sincerely falls in love with a younger person.

    Did I strike a nerve with you, perhaps? Are you an individual who deceives another for self gain and are, therefore, defensive? If the term "dirty old man" (aka sexual predator) doesn't apply to you, you have nothing to worry about - right?
  • I just dislike the way that you were coming across with it as in all the pedophiles were dirty old men (atleast to me), and as I tried to say was that it seemed like you had an issue with what I stated. Just like I dislike how often it comes across as all or even most domestic violence is from men (again atleast to me) and other such issues. I am all for protecting those that need it and deserve it. But dislike when people get lumped in with terms or other prejudices. I feel that we may have very similar views on alot of these topics but I know that I do become defensive when I perceive that any gender or other category gets generalised in a bad way

    I apologise if this was handled in the wrong way but I didn't know how to contact you as I was unable to start a chat with you.

    Feel free to delete my replies once you have read them as they for the most part don't belong here especially this one. Sorry again to all that have read this
  • pauline wrote:

    Francesco Orlandi wrote:

    I want to compare with another 14 year old my penis size. No pedos or other sh*T like that pls.
    What's the point? Every 14 year old is different.Your size is normal for you.
    Besides, you're 14. You'll get bigger as you get older.

    I'd be careful about giving out your personal email, also. Even though you said no pedophiles, etc., it doesn't mean they won't contact you. And if they ask you to show yours first, don't do it!! There are "dirty old men" who like young boys, too.
    Boys need to be just as careful as girls.

    Then again, how do we know you're not a pedophile, asking for boys' pics?
    Yea I am with pauline about the giving your email out and I did email him about it and he said he cant remove it so yea I did let him know about giving out your email. Said that people can spam him if he does not remove the email.