How to maintain the weight for 3 months?

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    • You have to burn the same amount of calories that you take in with your meals. You have to test what workout/amount of eating balance works for you to keep your weight. It's different for every person so only a personal trainer or maybe a doctor could tell you the numbers.
      curious open-minded short but not so short guy from Germany. open for conversations/PMs, all topics, all ages, all genders
    • I would recommend a diet that consist of protein such as lean meats, fish, and milk. Along with a good amount of green leafy vegetables and natural fruits. Try to lessen your intake on pasta's. The starch in them can make you fat. Cut down on soda's like Coca-Cola or Pepsi. For sugar I would recommend brown raw sugar in a cup of tea for your sweet fix.

      Three meal recipes for this diet I would suggest is

      Lamb stir-fry: thebourgielife.files.wordpress…e-june-2017-001.jpg?w=640

      Coconut Kale with Roasted Salmon:…oconut-rice_3x2_rocky.jpg

      Herb Roasted White House Garden:…oconut-rice_3x2_rocky.jpg

      I would also recommend Strawberry Bubble tea as a side drink…9e201543500fa8c970c-500wi
    • Little_Lilith wrote:

      I would recommend a diet that consist of protein such as lean meats, fish, and milk. Along with a good amount of green leafy vegetables and natural fruits. Try to lessen your intake on pasta's. The starch in them can make you fat. Cut down on soda's like Coca-Cola or Pepsi. For sugar I would recommend brown raw sugar in a cup of tea for your sweet fix.
      I would also recommend Strawberry Bubble tea as a side drink
      The first 2 suggestions look good. Also the cut down on Cola or Pepsi. The rest is strange. Starch doesn't make you fat. If you eat too many of it, that does make you fat. But if you don't know how much the person ate before, you can't say if the need to cut it down.
      Our body doesn't care what kind of sugar you put into it. White, brown, fine, rough, it's all the same: glucose. So swapping sugar for sugar doesn't work. Bubble tea is terrible if you want to keep or loose weight. It's basically sugar and some chemicals. It has many calories and you are better off just a normal tea or an unsweetened fruit juice.
      But in the end only one thing matters: Burn the same amount of calories you eat and you will hold your weight. Burn more than you eat and you will loose weight. Burn less and you will gain weight.
      curious open-minded short but not so short guy from Germany. open for conversations/PMs, all topics, all ages, all genders
    • Benni90er wrote:

      Little_Lilith wrote:

      I would recommend a diet that consist of protein such as lean meats, fish, and milk. Along with a good amount of green leafy vegetables and natural fruits. Try to lessen your intake on pasta's. The starch in them can make you fat. Cut down on soda's like Coca-Cola or Pepsi. For sugar I would recommend brown raw sugar in a cup of tea for your sweet fix.
      I would also recommend Strawberry Bubble tea as a side drink
      The first 2 suggestions look good. Also the cut down on Cola or Pepsi. The rest is strange. Starch doesn't make you fat. If you eat too many of it, that does make you fat. But if you don't know how much the person ate before, you can't say if the need to cut it down.Our body doesn't care what kind of sugar you put into it. White, brown, fine, rough, it's all the same: glucose. So swapping sugar for sugar doesn't work. Bubble tea is terrible if you want to keep or loose weight. It's basically sugar and some chemicals. It has many calories and you are better off just a normal tea or an unsweetened fruit juice.
      But in the end only one thing matters: Burn the same amount of calories you eat and you will hold your weight. Burn more than you eat and you will loose weight. Burn less and you will gain weight.

      Unrefined, raw sugar is made from the juice of the sugarcane plant. The raw type of sugar is considered to have some level of nutritional value, because it has the same vitamin and mineral consistency as sugarcane plant juice. Raw sugar has a brown color because of the presence of molasses, a by-product of refining sugarcane that contains a number of essential minerals and vitamins.

      Refined white sugar is produced in the same manner as raw sugar, but chemicals are added to bleach the sugar and to absorb impurities. Because white sugar is heavily processed, it offers no nutritional value and is considered to be empty calories. In addition, refined sugar will elevate blood sugar levels which can cause diabetes.

      As you can guess, refined white sugar is definitely not a healthy choice.

      Pasta does go good with some dishes. I would always recommend brown rice over pasta as the healthier choice.
    • Both white and brown sugar start at the same point: the plant you mentioned. Refined sugar gets boiled up more often and looses it's color that way. And yes, there are a number of vitamins and minerals in brown sugar, BUT this number is too small to make any difference for the human body. Also the calories are the same in both sugars. So just swapping sugars is no use if you want to loose weight. You'd have to reduce the overall amount you consume.
      curious open-minded short but not so short guy from Germany. open for conversations/PMs, all topics, all ages, all genders
    • What if you don't walk around much but instead ride a bike or go to the gym/do workouts that don't involve walking?

      But if anyone doesn't want to do heavy sports they could start with walking, i'll give you that.
      curious open-minded short but not so short guy from Germany. open for conversations/PMs, all topics, all ages, all genders
    • James wrote:

      Walking or Jogging or Running, some form of activity is a must if you're trying to lose weight. It is a deadly combo of

      More Activity + Less Eating = More Calorie Burn + Less Calorie Intake => Fat Burn
      Deadly for the fat :D Not that people think it's deadly to do those things :D
      curious open-minded short but not so short guy from Germany. open for conversations/PMs, all topics, all ages, all genders
    • Little_Lilith wrote:

      I would recommend a diet that consist of protein such as lean meats, fish, and milk. Along with a good amount of green leafy vegetables and natural fruits. Try to lessen your intake on pasta's. The starch in them can make you fat. Cut down on soda's like Coca-Cola or Pepsi. For sugar I would recommend brown raw sugar in a cup of tea for your sweet fix.

      Further to this few more additions:
      Drink lot of water
      Take a lot of fiber food
      Take green tea with little bit honey

      Do aerobic exercises

      hi friends, send me PM for anything else..I love to receive more messages ...thanks