Is there something wrong with me

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    • Is there something wrong with me

      Okay so I'm currently in a relationship and we've been together for about 2 years and it's been amazing. We have our ups and downs but I love him and our sex life is good. But a few months ago, my parents found out I was active and they basically made it look like ii was committing a crime. Ever since then, I've been kind of shut off when it comes to sex, I've been outright ignoring the topics and deflecting the jokes and it doesn't sit well with my boyfriend cause I've allegedly made it seem like he's committing blasphemy when he utters anything remotely sexual. But ii honestly can't help how ii feel. I guess ii let my parents opinions weigh in too heavily in my life but honestly, when it comes to anything to do with sex, it feels like I'm doing something I'm not suppose to be doing and it's a crime. It's really affecting my relationship and ii don't know what to do. Send help

      Sexually awkward 18 year old
    • There's nothing wrong with you but our parents' opinions can have a major influence on how we think and feel. I would talk to your boyfriend about what they said and how it has affected you. His reassurance may help you counteract what your parents said. If it doesn't, hopefully you can still have a loving relationship with your boyfriend. If he doesn't want to be with you anymore (because you don't feel comfortable having sex with him), how much does he care about you and how much is he just using you for sex.