I'm falling out of love

    • I'm falling out of love

      And he's trying to gaslight me into beleving that I'm the one who failed. He is convinced that we are meant to be. He say's it's our destiny and fate. But I doubt it is. Although we met in previous lives and met again in this one, and even our door numbers are coincidentially the same numbers but reversed, he isn't being my ideal boyfriend. He doesn't meet my needs, wasn't there for me in the ways I needed him to be, had a shocking number of affairs and blamed it all on me for not giving him enough affection and attention (I thought I was, I gave him nicknames, virtual snuggles, sent GIFS, etc, i ask about his day but he is vague. ) We are LDR so I can't give him the physical affection he said he wants, he blamed his affairs on this even though his affairs were online, he was sexting strangers even though we sexted eachother everyday. What he was seeking what I was giving him and it's like I'm never enough. He doesn't bother to talk to me unless I talk first. The relationship has drained me. I feel like I'm the one putting in all the effort for little in return. He doesn't initiate anything. I don't feel like he loves me , so I'm letting myself fall out of love (and he's noticing it) He said if I loved him (he says I never have, but I thought I did ?( ) then he would love me back, and that he shows me the same amount of attention and affection that I show him (which I don't feel is true) and I feel like he's just saying that to hold onto me. Then he'll tell me that everything he does is for attention. He has said that he doesn't want to lose me, he's used to me. I don't feel sexually towards him anymore, so he said we'd never do anything sexual again because it doesn't feel right if I don't feel nice. I know he'll be sexting/watching porn or something since we don't do it anymore. I'm holding on until there's nothing to hold onto out of respect.
      If anyone wants to say anything to him I can pass things on