Coming out story

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    • Coming out story

      everyone's story is different! But here is mine and if it helps you in some way then yay.

      This was a couple years ago.... I had been out with my closest friends and my little sister, who figured it out herself. But not my parents. Sooooooo one night I told them i had something important to share. So I took a deep breath and was even kinda shaking just a bit, i was so nervous. And told them that I am a lesbian and not only that i have also been seeing another girl for the last couple months. A short pause. And my mom replied "M?" I said, "YES!!!" I asked how long they knew and they said a few weeks back they figure it out. Here I thought I was playing it super cool but like I am beaming whenever I am around her, especially that night at my band concert when she gave that rose. Funny our subconscious emotions and ways we can act and not even realize huh? Besides, they said my sister mentioned it offhand. Like at one point i guess she was like, "Kara is out with her giiirlfriieennnd." Her and her big mouth!!! But anyways i instantly felt a weight off of me even though they hadn't really given me any real signs or made comments that they might not be cool with it or would disown me or whatever. I probably shouldn't have been worried. you know? They said they would love me no matter what.
    • I wish I could like that more than once. That’s a great coming out story. Thank you for sharing.

      My parents didn’t find out until after my girlfriend and I had broken up. Actually, they suspected it I guess because I had dated a guy in high school, but I spent a LOT of time with this girl, even spending the night at her apartment. When we broke up my mom asked me why I’d been so down. I told her I’d been seeing this girl and she said she figured that’s what was going on. My dad was a bit surprised, being that he’s clueless about things like this, but ultimately he was very accepting.

      sorry for piggybacking you’re thread, Kara
      I don't wanna look at anything else now that I saw you
      I don't wanna think of anything else now that I thought of you
    • TaylerL wrote:

      I wish I could like that more than once. That’s a great coming out story. Thank you for sharing.

      My parents didn’t find out until after my girlfriend and I had broken up. Actually, they suspected it I guess because I had dated a guy in high school, but I spent a LOT of time with this girl, even spending the night at her apartment. When we broke up my mm asked me why I’d been so down. I told her I’d been seeing this girl and she said she figured that’s what was going on. My dad was a bit surprised, being that he’s clueless about things like this, but ultimately he was very accepting.

      sorry for piggybacking you’re thread, Kara
      oh no! I welcome others to share here also. I am glad your story had a happy ending too. <3 sorry about the breakup. I feel that. :hugs:
    • Kara Zor-El wrote:

      TaylerL wrote:

      I wish I could like that more than once. That’s a great coming out story. Thank you for sharing.

      My parents didn’t find out until after my girlfriend and I had broken up. Actually, they suspected it I guess because I had dated a guy in high school, but I spent a LOT of time with this girl, even spending the night at her apartment. When we broke up my mm asked me why I’d been so down. I told her I’d been seeing this girl and she said she figured that’s what was going on. My dad was a bit surprised, being that he’s clueless about things like this, but ultimately he was very accepting.

      sorry for piggybacking you’re thread, Kara
      oh no! I welcome others to share here also. I am glad your story had a happy ending too. <3 sorry about the breakup. I feel that. :hugs:
      Thank you. Breakups suck but I’m over it. The fact she ended it over a text is what really gets me. Oh well, I’ve moved on :)
      I don't wanna look at anything else now that I saw you
      I don't wanna think of anything else now that I thought of you
    • In this situation it does mean a lot to have the support of your family, because I'm sure it's very stressful to just come out (no pun) and say that

      It's something that affects your entire life...not only the way you feel naturally, but reactions from others close to you have very long term fallout

      I'm happy that everything has worked out for you :)
    • xols wrote:

      Although this is the LGBT+ group, I'm posting anyhow.

      Reading TaylerL's post and hearing from others, makes me very aware of a stress I've never had to experience.
      Being straight doesnt mean u arent welcome to LGBT+ places You can be an Ally or simply a person interested in LGBT. I'm not apart of it. Its good that you're being more aware of stuff and stuff that others go through.

      Lots of kids struggle with telling their parents, close ones or friends that they arent straight or that they are different.

      I told my mother at 14 that i didn't like girls and she immediately assumed i was gay and said i wasn't allowed to be gay and that its a sin until i mentioned i didn't like boys either, she assumed i just havent hit puberty yet and if im honest i felt upset because if i was gay then she wouldn't accept me for who i was. Currently asexual and i technically came out.She just didn't believe it

      The post was edited 1 time, last by DragonV2: Added clarification ().

    • Kara Zor-El wrote:

      everyone's story is different! But here is mine and if it helps you in some way then yay.

      This was a couple years ago.... I had been out with my closest friends and my little sister, who figured it out herself. But not my parents. Sooooooo one night I told them i had something important to share. So I took a deep breath and was even kinda shaking just a bit, i was so nervous. And told them that I am bi and not only that i have also been seeing another girl for the last couple months. A short pause. And my mom replied "M?" I said, "YES!!!" I asked how long they knew and they said a few weeks back they figure it out. Here I thought I was playing it super cool but like I am beaming whenever I am around her, especially that night at my band concert when she gave that rose. Funny our subconscious emotions and ways we can act and not even realize huh? Besides, they said my sister mentioned it offhand. Like at one point i guess she was like, "Kara is out with her giiirlfriieennnd." Her and her big mouth!!! But anyways i instantly felt a weight off of me even though they hadn't really given me any real signs or made comments that they might not be cool with it or would disown me or whatever. I probably shouldn't have been worried. you know? They said they would love me no matter what.
      :lovey: crying right now :love:
    • I came out to my sisters before coming out to my parents or my brother. My older sister just kind of gave me this look that said "We know. Why are you telling us what we've always known." but was pleased I was able to come out to them because it was getting ridiculous how much time I was spending with my "friend." My younger sister cried and gave me a hug like I'd just won some kind of award so...that was positive and what I expected from her.
      When I came out to my brother all I got was a "Cool. If I tell my friends they're going to be dicks about it, so I'm sorry now."
      I came out to my mom and she said "Oh, her, she is lovely." and now seems to ask me if I know so and so's kid who is also gay. (Usually I do because it's not that big of a town.)
      My father looked at me like I was trying to mess with him and then said "Thank God, I was worried about you getting knocked up." Entirely joking, of course, he proceeded to give me the biggest Dad-Hug in the world and ordered lesbian-pride flags for my room.
      One of my aunts is less welcoming and has pretty much been cut off by the rest of the family because she's a bit of a venomous see you next Tuesday anyway.