Uncut dicks

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    • Starlord wrote:

      Birds18 wrote:

      I’m going to ask my doctor if he will uncircumcised me
      I dont think that's possible lolYou can do it one way, but not the other way around lol

      Yes and no. There is a process to restore, which is basically stretching the remnant skin over the head. It takes a long time, but I've read social media stuff that says it basically looks like it's foreskin.

      It does seem like more adults are restoring vs getting cut.
    • kmcd wrote:

      Starlord wrote:

      Birds18 wrote:

      I’m going to ask my doctor if he will uncircumcised me
      I dont think that's possible lolYou can do it one way, but not the other way around lol
      Yes and no. There is a process to restore, which is basically stretching the remnant skin over the head. It takes a long time, but I've read social media stuff that says it basically looks like it's foreskin.

      It does seem like more adults are restoring vs getting cut.
      Depends how much foreskin was removed, if there none left to stretch (just a ring of scar) then they can’t

      I’d hate not having one, that would suck
    • benpeters981 wrote:

      At first I just masterbated without pulling my foreskin all the way back, till I realised that was a thing I should be able to do. Then lube helped quite a bit now it’s all fine
      That's really good to hear.

      One of the arguments we keep hearing is "Some guys have trouble with their foreskins so isn't it just better to be circumcised". For a start, it seems pointless to treat a problem in the majority of people who don't experience it. We don't, for example, remove everyone's appendixes just because a few people have problems with them and do need to have them removed.

      Then, you've just proved, even then sometimes circumcision is not needed and it is best to use the least invasive treatment that works.
    • Sean2001 wrote:

      benpeters981 wrote:

      At first I just masterbated without pulling my foreskin all the way back, till I realised that was a thing I should be able to do. Then lube helped quite a bit now it’s all fine
      That's really good to hear.
      One of the arguments we keep hearing is "Some guys have trouble with their foreskins so isn't it just better to be circumcised". For a start, it seems pointless to treat a problem in the majority of people who don't experience it. We don't, for example, remove everyone's appendixes just because a few people have problems with them and do need to have them removed.

      Then, you've just proved, even then sometimes circumcision is not needed and it is best to use the least invasive treatment that works.
      Absolutely, every dick is different too so therefore some are deffo going to be tight…I spent a lot of my teen years googling thinking it was a major problem and everything pointed to having it circumcised, which I was never going to do. But plenty of stretching in the bath paid off and it’s sorted…be interested to know if there’s anyone else who’s had issues like me
    • Is there any major drawback having it removed? I mean i know its might be weird to loose it especially if you don't want to. But does it change anything regrading being in a relationship with a girl and stuff like that.

      I wouldn't think about asking a boy if he is or not before dating him. lol
    • It cIs there any major drawback having it removed? I mean i know its might be weird to loose it especially if you don't want to. But does it change anything regrading being in a relationship with a girl and stuff like that.

      Lea13 wrote:

      I wouldn't think about asking a boy if he is or not before dating him. lol
      it can do if it desensitizes the end of the penis too much
      Apparently in some cases the guys struggle to finish in sex and stuff
      It just doesn’t feel as good as it’s supposed to
    • benpeters981 wrote:

      Absolutely, every dick is different too so therefore some are deffo going to be tight…I spent a lot of my teen years googling thinking it was a major problem and everything pointed to having it circumcised, which I was never going to do. But plenty of stretching in the bath paid off and it’s sorted…be interested to know if there’s anyone else who’s had issues like me
      Never had any issue. Began retracting the foreskin early in life while bathing, to the amount that it would retract anyway. Could completely retract about the time I started puberty, never had any issue with it.
    • Lea13 wrote:

      Is there any major drawback having it removed? I mean i know its might be weird to loose it especially if you don't want to. But does it change anything regrading being in a relationship with a girl and stuff like that.
      This does seem to subject to some debate.

      Anti-circumcision campaigners point out that the foreskin is rich with nerve endings and this is particularly true of a bit called the ridged band, which is the elastic bit that enables the foreskin to close over the head rather than riding back when not erect, so this is one part that would always be removed even in a loose circumcision. Personally, I am aware that there are good sensations that come specifically from the foreskin as well as the ones from the head of the penis itself.

      Others claim that there is no loss of sensation including some who have been circumcised as an older boy or adult and this has been seized by those pro-circumcision as justification to continue doing it. Their argument is that there is no downside and some small benefit in cleanliness and disease. The claimed benefits are very marginal, though. As one example, they claim that circumcision reduces the transmission of HIV and therefore the incident of AIDS, but it is nothing like as effective at this as wearing a condom is.

      It shouldn't affect a relationship in that boys in either state should still be able to enjoy both sex and sexual stimulation that falls short of sex and assuming, of course, that the girl is mature enough not to panic because this particular guy doesn't look like the ones she has seen before.

      But it is worth re-stating that the most powerful argument against neonatal circumcision is not that it is intrinsically bad, but that the boy having it done has no say in the matter when, if the parents left him alone, he could make his own decision when he is old enough to understand what it is all about. Parents do, of course, have to make decisions for their children but there is no urgency to circumcise so why force it on your boy?
    • Kyle07 wrote:

      Starlord wrote:

      dkne wrote:

      For people who have foreskin...do you remember trying to pull it back before fully separated? Some separate early in life and some people can be like 12-13 and it's still stuck.
      I remember it hurt a bit and it was kind of tight I was circumsized at 5 or 6 yo
      sorry to hear that :(
      Actually nothing wrong with that
      I was going to anyway
      I guess I sont mind either way

      I get a lot of pleasure that's the only thing that matters lol
    • Lea13 wrote:

      Is there any major drawback having it removed? I mean i know its might be weird to loose it especially if you don't want to. But does it change anything regrading being in a relationship with a girl and stuff like that.

      I wouldn't think about asking a boy if he is or not before dating him. lol
      I dont think there are drawbacks both uncircumsized and circumsized are fine, the only thing that matters is that we get pleasure while using it :D
      It shouldn't matter for a girl, I hope if a girl (or boy) appreciates me for who I am and my personality rather than for whether or not I have a piece of skin at a certain place :P
    • Sean2001 wrote:

      Lea13 wrote:

      Is there any major drawback having it removed? I mean i know its might be weird to loose it especially if you don't want to. But does it change anything regrading being in a relationship with a girl and stuff like that.
      This does seem to subject to some debate.
      Anti-circumcision campaigners point out that the foreskin is rich with nerve endings and this is particularly true of a bit called the ridged band, which is the elastic bit that enables the foreskin to close over the head rather than riding back when not erect, so this is one part that would always be removed even in a loose circumcision. Personally, I am aware that there are good sensations that come specifically from the foreskin as well as the ones from the head of the penis itself.

      Others claim that there is no loss of sensation including some who have been circumcised as an older boy or adult and this has been seized by those pro-circumcision as justification to continue doing it. Their argument is that there is no downside and some small benefit in cleanliness and disease. The claimed benefits are very marginal, though. As one example, they claim that circumcision reduces the transmission of HIV and therefore the incident of AIDS, but it is nothing like as effective at this as wearing a condom is.

      It shouldn't affect a relationship in that boys in either state should still be able to enjoy both sex and sexual stimulation that falls short of sex and assuming, of course, that the girl is mature enough not to panic because this particular guy doesn't look like the ones she has seen before.

      But it is worth re-stating that the most powerful argument against neonatal circumcision is not that it is intrinsically bad, but that the boy having it done has no say in the matter when, if the parents left him alone, he could make his own decision when he is old enough to understand what it is all about. Parents do, of course, have to make decisions for their children but there is no urgency to circumcise so why force it on your boy?

      From what I've read, the only thing that could be remotely considered to be a benefit is a slightly lower risk of infection during the first year of life. I'm sure a lot of people think "lower risk" as being something drastic like 62% to 25%, but both chances are under 2%.

      And yeah, people have died as a result of being cut.

      But I think a lot of it is an American mindset. A lot of American girls don't seem to like foreskin for some reason...but that shouldn't be enough of a reason. Many American girls don't mind either variety.