Ejaculation amount

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    • Sean2001 wrote:

      joeyjoy wrote:

      I have nothing coming out, or almost nothing. Some times theres a little bit of sticky stuff leaking, but no squirts even tho it FEELS like squirts.
      When does this sticky stuff leak out?
      If it's at the time you say it feels like squirts then it is probably cum, just not very much. That's quite normal because the glands that make the various parts of our cum haven't been doing anything prior to puberty and need time to develop and get up to speed. As you say, with time, the amount will get bigger. Birds18 is also right that the amount in any one one ejaculation would be bigger if you left more time between masturbating. That may be nice to see, though it won't necessarily make it feel a lot better, but try it and see.

      If it leaks out before you get to the orgasm, i.e. before it feels like squirts, then it may be pre-cum which is something slightly different. In that case you still have to be patient. Some people would say enjoy getting the feeling without the mess but I don't think that is quite true because there are pleasant sensations that come from ejaculating, i.e. feeling it actually squirt out, that aren't part of the of the orgasm but the orgasm is the most intense bit so with a dry orgasm you still got most of the pleasure, so definitely keep masturbating and enjoying that and hopefully cum, or more cum, will happen soon.
      Don’t you think that cutting back on masturbation would make the orgasm feel a lot better?
    • Birds18 wrote:

      Don’t you think that cutting back on masturbation would make the orgasm feel a lot better?
      I think there are too things here: the intensity of the orgasm and the feelings specifically from ejaculating. Then to complicate things, before I started cumming a decent amount, it never occurred to me, and no-one ever suggested, masturbating less often so I can't speak from experience on that one.

      So on the feelings from ejaculation, even in guys who are producing a decent, maybe adult, amount of cum, unless they are already waiting a full three days, they will find they ejaculate more if they avoid masturbating for a while. Most of us have had the experience that something has prevented us for a day or two or even as much as a week. My experience of that happening is that sensations from the cum gathering just after the point of no return and then moving through the urethra on its way out are stronger and that definitely adds to the pleasure. But whether, if your normal frequency is twice a day, going for once/day instead would result in it feeling twice as good I am not so sure.

      Then for the intensity of the orgasm itself I am not so sure. It's not something I have really noticed and, for me, the biggest influence on how intense the orgasm feels is how long I have been highly aroused, especially close to edge of cumming, before I finally cum, i.e. how long I have been "edging". The great thing about that is that you don't have to sacrifice quantity for quality or vice versa.
    • Sean2001 wrote:

      joeyjoy wrote:

      I have nothing coming out, or almost nothing. Some times theres a little bit of sticky stuff leaking, but no squirts even tho it FEELS like squirts.
      When does this sticky stuff leak out?
      If it's at the time you say it feels like squirts then it is probably cum, just not very much. That's quite normal because the glands that make the various parts of our cum haven't been doing anything prior to puberty and need time to develop and get up to speed. As you say, with time, the amount will get bigger. Birds18 is also right that the amount in any one one ejaculation would be bigger if you left more time between masturbating. That may be nice to see, though it won't necessarily make it feel a lot better, but try it and see.

      If it leaks out before you get to the orgasm, i.e. before it feels like squirts, then it may be pre-cum which is something slightly different. In that case you still have to be patient. Some people would say enjoy getting the feeling without the mess but I don't think that is quite true because there are pleasant sensations that come from ejaculating, i.e. feeling it actually squirt out, that aren't part of the of the orgasm but the orgasm is the most intense bit so with a dry orgasm you still got most of the pleasure, so definitely keep masturbating and enjoying that and hopefully cum, or more cum, will happen soon.
      Thanks... it happens when i orgasm, not before

      It seems like its getting to be a little bit more sometimes
    • Birds18 wrote:

      Sean2001 wrote:

      joeyjoy wrote:

      I have nothing coming out, or almost nothing. Some times theres a little bit of sticky stuff leaking, but no squirts even tho it FEELS like squirts.
      When does this sticky stuff leak out?If it's at the time you say it feels like squirts then it is probably cum, just not very much. That's quite normal because the glands that make the various parts of our cum haven't been doing anything prior to puberty and need time to develop and get up to speed. As you say, with time, the amount will get bigger. Birds18 is also right that the amount in any one one ejaculation would be bigger if you left more time between masturbating. That may be nice to see, though it won't necessarily make it feel a lot better, but try it and see.

      If it leaks out before you get to the orgasm, i.e. before it feels like squirts, then it may be pre-cum which is something slightly different. In that case you still have to be patient. Some people would say enjoy getting the feeling without the mess but I don't think that is quite true because there are pleasant sensations that come from ejaculating, i.e. feeling it actually squirt out, that aren't part of the of the orgasm but the orgasm is the most intense bit so with a dry orgasm you still got most of the pleasure, so definitely keep masturbating and enjoying that and hopefully cum, or more cum, will happen soon.
      Don’t you think that cutting back on masturbation would make the orgasm feel a lot better?
      To be honest i already dont do it as much as i feel like it

      I already try to wait and keep to 1-2 times a day cuz then it feels a lot nicer
    • joeyjoy wrote:

      Thanks... it happens when i orgasm, not before
      It seems like its getting to be a little bit more sometimes
      So that sounds like cum, then, and it getting a little bit more as time goes on is exactly what I'd expect and exactly what happened for me at the start. I also found mine changed colour from being mostly colourless at the very start to having patches of white in it, like something that wasn't mixed very well, to finally being consistently white.

      So as Birds18 says, you may be able to increase the amount in any one ejaculation by waiting longer but only you know whether how much better that feels is worth feeling it less often. Just experiment and see what seems like the most enjoyment for you.