Development compared to classmates

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  • Development compared to classmates

    Seriously, I cant remember a more embarrassing time than changing in the locker room when I first started puberty. I literally DREADED it, because I was so damn embarrassed of the little lumps that had started to sprout on my chest. I was the first girl in my class to start growing boobs, which caused a good bit of teasing. :( Anyone else have a hard time as an early bloomer like me?
  • When it was time for PE, I would literally RUN to the locker room to try and beat the other girls there, get to the farthest corner and swap shirts as fast as I could. It didn't help that because my nips had just started growing, I had not started wearing a training bra when the girls did see my chest, they would all giggle. UGH
  • smallpuppy11 wrote:

    When it was time for PE, I would literally RUN to the locker room to try and beat the other girls there, get to the farthest corner and swap shirts as fast as I could. It didn't help that because my nips had just started growing, I had not started wearing a training bra when the girls did see my chest, they would all giggle. UGH
    I do the same thing but because I have not started yet
    Feel free to message me about literally anything 24|7.
  • You know, now that I think back to that time, it was definitely more of my own embarrassment. I guess the girls didn't really tease, but they sure did stare, which used to make me soooo uncomfortable. What were the odds that there were no other girls that had even changed a bit...and there I was running around with super sore lumps :(
  • smallpuppy11 wrote:

    You know, now that I think back to that time, it was definitely more of my own embarrassment. I guess the girls didn't really tease, but they sure did stare, which used to make me soooo uncomfortable. What were the odds that there were no other girls that had even changed a bit...and there I was running around with super sore lumps :(
    Could it be they were just envious?
    "Comedy is like sex. If they haven't made a noise in a while, change what you're doing" - Sara Pascoe
  • Natacha wrote:

    smallpuppy11 wrote:

    You know, now that I think back to that time, it was definitely more of my own embarrassment. I guess the girls didn't really tease, but they sure did stare, which used to make me soooo uncomfortable. What were the odds that there were no other girls that had even changed a bit...and there I was running around with super sore lumps :(
    Could it be they were just envious?
    Yea you are probably right! I never thought of it that way since it was myself and my early developing breasts that were paving the "puberty trail" for the rest of the girls lol
  • To be honest, I was one of the other girls who didn't develop til later. I remember looking at one girl who had little bumps much before others and I just thought it was really made me stare a bit because it made me think wow that's amazing, but I tried not to let her know I was looking. Some other girls teased her a bit but I didn't I thought it was mean.
  • TessTheGreat wrote:

    I was one of the last ones to start growing boobs, and that was just as embarrassing because the other girls had them and I didn't. I'm not worried now because I've caught up!
    It’s awkward when people are at different stages, awkward/embarrassing for those that start first AND those that start last. It’s easier later when everyone’s caught up and most people are at a similar stage.
  • joannainthemiddle wrote:

    To be honest, I was one of the other girls who didn't develop til later. I remember looking at one girl who had little bumps much before others and I just thought it was really made me stare a bit because it made me think wow that's amazing, but I tried not to let her know I was looking. Some other girls teased her a bit but I didn't I thought it was mean.
    It's actually interesting to see the other side of this. I was so ashamed of my tiny buds that I tried to hide them at all costs. They made me feel like the odd one out because none of the other girls had swollen nipples like me. When in reality, the other girls were pretty much just trying to satisfy their curiosity and to see what would eventually happen to them as well!
  • smallpuppy11 wrote:

    joannainthemiddle wrote:

    To be honest, I was one of the other girls who didn't develop til later. I remember looking at one girl who had little bumps much before others and I just thought it was really made me stare a bit because it made me think wow that's amazing, but I tried not to let her know I was looking. Some other girls teased her a bit but I didn't I thought it was mean.
    It's actually interesting to see the other side of this. I was so ashamed of my tiny buds that I tried to hide them at all costs. They made me feel like the odd one out because none of the other girls had swollen nipples like me. When in reality, the other girls were pretty much just trying to satisfy their curiosity and to see what would eventually happen to them as well!
    Yeah I feel bad if I was staring and it upset her but it was one of the most fascinating and beautiful thing to look at, and it was kind of a revelation. How old were you at the time? I think in showers after swimming the earliest girl in my group got little swollen bumps when we were 9. Until then I thought boobs were something mums and other women had, and older teen girls had them too, but they seemed to be like a completely different category to me and my friends, so it was like a realisation that we were going to change into the body shape of our mums. But it was so much prettier than big breasts to see the little swellings in my friends before me, and also fascinating each week to see how it had changed, because I could see a difference between weeks, and how the colour of the skin and nipple changed. So I feel bad if I was awkward looking, but it was about the most beautiful thing I've seen.
  • joannainthemiddle wrote:

    Yeah I feel bad if I was staring and it upset her but it was one of the most fascinating and beautiful thing to look at, and it was kind of a revelation. How old were you at the time? I think in showers after swimming the earliest girl in my group got little swollen bumps when we were 9. Until then I thought boobs were something mums and other women had, and older teen girls had them too, but they seemed to be like a completely different category to me and my friends, so it was like a realisation that we were going to change into the body shape of our mums. But it was so much prettier than big breasts to see the little swellings in my friends before me, and also fascinating each week to see how it had changed, because I could see a difference between weeks, and how the colour of the skin and nipple changed. So I feel bad if I was awkward looking, but it was about the most beautiful thing I've seen.
    that a really nice thought :D if you'd said that would have made me smile when I was that age (still probably been a little embarrassed/shy)

    Wish were girls like you, and not some I knew that used it as another reason to make fun of me :( (though I'm not sure if would have made a difference to them when I started as they were like that before and after)

    Good Friend :play: Kinda Romantic :love: Ready to Rock :zomg:

    "If you try to follow fashion you'll always be chasing, and probably never catch it. If you be yourself and make your own style, fashion might just bump into you one day."
  • BJade wrote:

    joannainthemiddle wrote:

    Yeah I feel bad if I was staring and it upset her but it was one of the most fascinating and beautiful thing to look at, and it was kind of a revelation. How old were you at the time? I think in showers after swimming the earliest girl in my group got little swollen bumps when we were 9. Until then I thought boobs were something mums and other women had, and older teen girls had them too, but they seemed to be like a completely different category to me and my friends, so it was like a realisation that we were going to change into the body shape of our mums. But it was so much prettier than big breasts to see the little swellings in my friends before me, and also fascinating each week to see how it had changed, because I could see a difference between weeks, and how the colour of the skin and nipple changed. So I feel bad if I was awkward looking, but it was about the most beautiful thing I've seen.
    that a really nice thought :D if you'd said that would have made me smile when I was that age (still probably been a little embarrassed/shy)
    Wish were girls like you, and not some I knew that used it as another reason to make fun of me :( (though I'm not sure if would have made a difference to them when I started as they were like that before and after)
    I'm really sorry to hear people were horrid to you Jade, you are such a lovely person from reading all your posts on here and I think it's still affected you that people in your past have been unfriendly. I think people don't realise how much and how long mean comments and making fun can last and have effects. Any way I think that you are stronger now and you can use your experience to make yourself stronger and to be a kind person and give good advice to other younger people than you.

    I wish that I had been strong enough to tell those people who were being mean that they should stop and think about what they were doing, but I didn't really say anything to them. What I did was that I made better friend with that one girl who was a younger developer because before then we hadn't been good friends. But I saw she needed someone so I made an effort and I'm glad I did because she's still one of my best friends today.
  • joannainthemiddle wrote:

    BJade wrote:

    joannainthemiddle wrote:

    Yeah I feel bad if I was staring and it upset her but it was one of the most fascinating and beautiful thing to look at, and it was kind of a revelation. How old were you at the time? I think in showers after swimming the earliest girl in my group got little swollen bumps when we were 9. Until then I thought boobs were something mums and other women had, and older teen girls had them too, but they seemed to be like a completely different category to me and my friends, so it was like a realisation that we were going to change into the body shape of our mums. But it was so much prettier than big breasts to see the little swellings in my friends before me, and also fascinating each week to see how it had changed, because I could see a difference between weeks, and how the colour of the skin and nipple changed. So I feel bad if I was awkward looking, but it was about the most beautiful thing I've seen.
    that a really nice thought :D if you'd said that would have made me smile when I was that age (still probably been a little embarrassed/shy)Wish were girls like you, and not some I knew that used it as another reason to make fun of me :( (though I'm not sure if would have made a difference to them when I started as they were like that before and after)
    I'm really sorry to hear people were horrid to you Jade, you are such a lovely person from reading all your posts on here and I think it's still affected you that people in your past have been unfriendly. I think people don't realise how much and how long mean comments and making fun can last and have effects. Any way I think that you are stronger now and you can use your experience to make yourself stronger and to be a kind person and give good advice to other younger people than you.

    I wish that I had been strong enough to tell those people who were being mean that they should stop and think about what they were doing, but I didn't really say anything to them. What I did was that I made better friend with that one girl who was a younger developer because before then we hadn't been good friends. But I saw she needed someone so I made an effort and I'm glad I did because she's still one of my best friends today.
    yeah, I still do have a little wary of trusting at times. So yeah having people bully me is a little. And possibly shyer of talking. But have used it to help others who might feel or experience the same (and glad you think so)

    I think being friends with her is the best thing :D <3 people who are mean can get you down, but people who are nice and support you make it so better. Only need to deal with mean occasionally, friends can make you smile all day, every day

    Good Friend :play: Kinda Romantic :love: Ready to Rock :zomg:

    "If you try to follow fashion you'll always be chasing, and probably never catch it. If you be yourself and make your own style, fashion might just bump into you one day."
  • BJade wrote:

    joannainthemiddle wrote:

    BJade wrote:

    joannainthemiddle wrote:

    Yeah I feel bad if I was staring and it upset her but it was one of the most fascinating and beautiful thing to look at, and it was kind of a revelation. How old were you at the time? I think in showers after swimming the earliest girl in my group got little swollen bumps when we were 9. Until then I thought boobs were something mums and other women had, and older teen girls had them too, but they seemed to be like a completely different category to me and my friends, so it was like a realisation that we were going to change into the body shape of our mums. But it was so much prettier than big breasts to see the little swellings in my friends before me, and also fascinating each week to see how it had changed, because I could see a difference between weeks, and how the colour of the skin and nipple changed. So I feel bad if I was awkward looking, but it was about the most beautiful thing I've seen.
    that a really nice thought :D if you'd said that would have made me smile when I was that age (still probably been a little embarrassed/shy)Wish were girls like you, and not some I knew that used it as another reason to make fun of me :( (though I'm not sure if would have made a difference to them when I started as they were like that before and after)
    I'm really sorry to hear people were horrid to you Jade, you are such a lovely person from reading all your posts on here and I think it's still affected you that people in your past have been unfriendly. I think people don't realise how much and how long mean comments and making fun can last and have effects. Any way I think that you are stronger now and you can use your experience to make yourself stronger and to be a kind person and give good advice to other younger people than you.
    I wish that I had been strong enough to tell those people who were being mean that they should stop and think about what they were doing, but I didn't really say anything to them. What I did was that I made better friend with that one girl who was a younger developer because before then we hadn't been good friends. But I saw she needed someone so I made an effort and I'm glad I did because she's still one of my best friends today.
    yeah, I still do have a little wary of trusting at times. So yeah having people bully me is a little. And possibly shyer of talking. But have used it to help others who might feel or experience the same (and glad you think so)
    I think being friends with her is the best thing :D <3 people who are mean can get you down, but people who are nice and support you make it so better. Only need to deal with mean occasionally, friends can make you smile all day, every day
    I feel bad reading this. Jade, you're beautiful and I'm thankful that we are able to chat and have fun. You always make me smile and you're an inspiration to other people here :)