Anal before vaginal

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    • Anal before vaginal

      In some other thread, a user said that they had anal sex before they had vaginal sex.
      I have also seen some posts about oral and anal being preferred to vaginal because of religion and to keep one's virginity (well, their hymen at least).

      How common is this?

      I tried oral and vaginal on the same day, and I only tried anal a bit later.
    • CayceStars wrote:

      I agree that it's not something that I want tbh

      Also, sex is sex no matter how you look at it. Holding on to some outdated concept of virginity just because you do it in one hole instead of another is Whatever.

      And it complicates with same sex. Anal is what boys would say is there virginity. And girls (well if the definition is something going inside) could be fingering.

      So could the same concept be for opposite sex relationships ?( as it's the same intimacy with a boy or girl, if you feel that way

      Good Friend :play: Kinda Romantic :love: Ready to Rock :zomg:

      "If you try to follow fashion you'll always be chasing, and probably never catch it. If you be yourself and make your own style, fashion might just bump into you one day."
    • I suppose when you are confused about any other sex after anal, your focus is cleanliness. I dare to be open about loving anal myself, therefore I owe to my partner to keep myself very clean in relation to analsex (An in other relations to of course). We never had a "brown accident".
      "Comedy is like sex. If they haven't made a noise in a while, change what you're doing" - Sara Pascoe
    • Like I said in the thread you probably saw, vaginal feels more intimate and special than oral or anal. Thats why I am waiting with that.

      I guess how I feel doesnt really make sense, like Caycestars and Bjade say it doesnt really matter if you do it in one hole or the other. Sex is sex.

      But vaginal with a boy I dont really have strong feelings for feels wrong somehow, but oral and anal does not.
      :) ^^ :D :thumbsup: :saint:
    • HeyCameron wrote:

      Because of religion? It seems like any religion that prohibits premarital sex probably also doesn't love anal. But that's just my theory.

      I don't see the appeal of anal for women. I think some people watch porn and then think that everything they see in it is something they have to emulate with their partner.
      We can agree that some peoples beliefs often stand in the way of some happiness.
      But you make it sound like anything beyond "vanilla" is deranged :)
      "Comedy is like sex. If they haven't made a noise in a while, change what you're doing" - Sara Pascoe
    • I like my vanilla with sprinkles at least X/

      It's true that I'm a bit vanilla. I wouldn't judge anyone for having anal sex, though; I'm just surprised to see how popular it is and have to wonder if some of that doesn't come from the influence of porn. It's quite common for teens to watch and masturbate to porn years before they do anything sexual with anyone else. I just want to stress that you shouldn't do anything you don't really want to do, regardless of what your friends may be doing or what you might see in media.
    • CayceStars wrote:

      I agree that it's not something that I want tbh

      Also, sex is sex no matter how you look at it. Holding on to some outdated concept of virginity just because you do it in one hole instead of another is Whatever.
      I totally agree.
      Sex is sex.
      Are people that are that religious really thinking that they are fooling their own god?

      "Ah, me damn it. Those sneaky teens with their loopholes and technicalities" -God, maybe
    • Joelle2008 wrote:

      Like I said in the thread you probably saw, vaginal feels more intimate and special than oral or anal. Thats why I am waiting with that.

      I guess how I feel doesnt really make sense, like Caycestars and Bjade say it doesnt really matter if you do it in one hole or the other. Sex is sex.

      But vaginal with a boy I dont really have strong feelings for feels wrong somehow, but oral and anal does not.
      I don't recall your comment.
      I haven't thought of it that way.
      Of course, in any case, if your choice is based on what you feel is best for you, then go ahead, I suppose.
    • HeyCameron wrote:

      I like my vanilla with sprinkles at least X/

      It's true that I'm a bit vanilla. I wouldn't judge anyone for having anal sex, though; I'm just surprised to see how popular it is and have to wonder if some of that doesn't come from the influence of porn. It's quite common for teens to watch and masturbate to porn years before they do anything sexual with anyone else. I just want to stress that you shouldn't do anything you don't really want to do, regardless of what your friends may be doing or what you might see in media.
      Porn might be showing things, but I'm pretty sure anal and all sorts of other sex stuff existed waaaay before porn.
    • I haven't had vaginal yet (except some masturbation), but I have regular anal with my GF. Nothing religious about it, porn also has nothing to do with it - I saw porn for the first time long after I have discovered anal masturbation myself and I knew I would go for that when my time comes to have sex. It is just that I like it this way, my GF likes me this way, so I think we are going to stay at this for some time. I know I am possibly an exception, but I have absolutely no urges to go vaginal.