Mostly lesbian

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    • Mostly lesbian

      Some of you have probably seen me say i am "mostly lesbian". What does that mean? Hell, i don't even know. What i do know is i lean heavily towards girls. I mean i am curious about boys (please that is NOT a invitation to PM me). But also i don't check out the boys nearly as often as i do the girls.

      My first and only relationship with a boy. I was 14 and it went badly. I haven't been with a boy since. I wonder how much that plays into it?? Sexuality is sooooo confusing sometimes. Am i making any sense??
    • Kara Zor-El wrote:

      Am i making any sense??

      yeah it does make sense, I think. But not really sure what else to say

      We all have things that attract us to people we like, some can be boy things, some girl things, some both can have. But equally they're not set in stone. Like when your younger looks and fun are more important, as you get older someone who is a good partner you can spend the rest of your life with may become more important. Everything we experience can change how we feel and what we're after

      If I'm making sense :lol:

      Good Friend :play: Kinda Romantic :love: Ready to Rock :zomg:

      "If you try to follow fashion you'll always be chasing, and probably never catch it. If you be yourself and make your own style, fashion might just bump into you one day."
    • You are who you are, and there's no reason to worry about labels

      I honestly don't think most people are 100% one way or another (or another). There isn't a "set" sexuality for many, even if they insist otherwise (enter the whole "honestly I'm _____, but...")

      You can be with one type of person all your life, or two, or go back and forth, or make a difference decision later in life

      Do what makes you happy, and if you want something different then do that too
    • BJade wrote:

      Kara Zor-El wrote:

      Am i making any sense??
      yeah it does make sense, I think. But not really sure what else to say

      We all have things that attract us to people we like, some can be boy things, some girl things, some both can have. But equally they're not set in stone. Like when your younger looks and fun are more important, as you get older someone who is a good partner you can spend the rest of your life with may become more important. Everything we experience can change how we feel and what we're after

      If I'm making sense :lol:
      okay. :kiss:
      No, you make sense. Just because i am almost 18 and nearly "adult", doesn't mean that who i am and want will be same as 10 years from now? :)
    • CayceStars wrote:

      You are who you are, and there's no reason to worry about labels

      I honestly don't think most people are 100% one way or another (or another). There isn't a "set" sexuality for many, even if they insist otherwise (enter the whole "honestly I'm _____, but...")

      You can be with one type of person all your life, or two, or go back and forth, or make a difference decision later in life

      Do what makes you happy, and if you want something different then do that too
      Thank you. :love3: i like this answer alot. :) life is a journey right?
    • I’d say we’re all “mostly” something, and although I don’t claim to be an expert in these matters (far from it :lol: ), I think the something we mostly are can probably change at different times of our life, or maybe when we meet different people.

      You can be who or want you want to be, “label” yourself or not, or change labels whenever you want to. I think, anyway.

      Kara Zor-El wrote:

      . life is a journey right?
      Yes, I think that’s right. :)
    • HannahW wrote:

      I’d say we’re all “mostly” something, and although I don’t claim to be an expert in these matters (far from it :lol: ), I think the something we mostly are can probably change at different times of our life, or maybe when we meet different people.

      You can be who or want you want to be, “label” yourself or not, or change labels whenever you want to. I think, anyway.

      Kara Zor-El wrote:

      . life is a journey right?
      Yes, I think that’s right. :)
      that's a good way of looking at it. :)
      Tho i think there are some things. The "non mostlies" that are so hard wired into who we are, that trying to change ourselves might be unhealthy?
    • Kara Zor-El wrote:

      HannahW wrote:

      I’d say we’re all “mostly” something, and although I don’t claim to be an expert in these matters (far from it :lol: ), I think the something we mostly are can probably change at different times of our life, or maybe when we meet different people.

      You can be who or want you want to be, “label” yourself or not, or change labels whenever you want to. I think, anyway.

      Kara Zor-El wrote:

      . life is a journey right?
      Yes, I think that’s right. :)
      that's a good way of looking at it. :) Tho i think there are some things. The "non mostlies" that are so hard wired into who we are, that trying to change ourselves might be unhealthy?
      As I said before, I’m definitely no expert, but maybe we’re not “hard wired” to be one thing or another. Or if we are, maybe we’re just hard wired to be mostly something. Like you said in your original post, sexuality can be really confusing. For my part, even though I’ve felt attraction for girls, the only relationship I’ve had is with a boy. It was a pretty shitty relationship as it turned out, but that might have been because of the boy in question. At the moment I’m kind of waiting to see what happens next, if that makes sense.
    • HannahW wrote:

      Kara Zor-El wrote:

      HannahW wrote:

      I’d say we’re all “mostly” something, and although I don’t claim to be an expert in these matters (far from it :lol: ), I think the something we mostly are can probably change at different times of our life, or maybe when we meet different people.

      You can be who or want you want to be, “label” yourself or not, or change labels whenever you want to. I think, anyway.

      Kara Zor-El wrote:

      . life is a journey right?
      Yes, I think that’s right. :)
      that's a good way of looking at it. :) Tho i think there are some things. The "non mostlies" that are so hard wired into who we are, that trying to change ourselves might be unhealthy?
      As I said before, I’m definitely no expert, but maybe we’re not “hard wired” to be one thing or another. Or if we are, maybe we’re just hard wired to be mostly something. Like you said in your original post, sexuality can be really confusing. For my part, even though I’ve felt attraction for girls, the only relationship I’ve had is with a boy. It was a pretty shitty relationship as it turned out, but that might have been because of the boy in question. At the moment I’m kind of waiting to see what happens next, if that makes sense.
    • Kara Zor-El wrote:

      HannahW wrote:

      Kara Zor-El wrote:

      HannahW wrote:

      I’d say we’re all “mostly” something, and although I don’t claim to be an expert in these matters (far from it :lol: ), I think the something we mostly are can probably change at different times of our life, or maybe when we meet different people.

      You can be who or want you want to be, “label” yourself or not, or change labels whenever you want to. I think, anyway.

      Kara Zor-El wrote:

      . life is a journey right?
      Yes, I think that’s right. :)
      that's a good way of looking at it. :) Tho i think there are some things. The "non mostlies" that are so hard wired into who we are, that trying to change ourselves might be unhealthy?
      As I said before, I’m definitely no expert, but maybe we’re not “hard wired” to be one thing or another. Or if we are, maybe we’re just hard wired to be mostly something. Like you said in your original post, sexuality can be really confusing. For my part, even though I’ve felt attraction for girls, the only relationship I’ve had is with a boy. It was a pretty shitty relationship as it turned out, but that might have been because of the boy in question. At the moment I’m kind of waiting to see what happens next, if that makes sense.

      okay yea maybe. I am no expert either!! Obviously. lol I guess i was thinking more about the stories of teens entering into conversion therapy and coming out really messed up because of it. Where instead of fighting who they are and tryjng to change it they might instead be happier if they lived into it.

      Sorry to hear about the bad go in your relationship. Hugs.
    • Kara Zor-El wrote:

      Kara Zor-El wrote:

      HannahW wrote:

      Kara Zor-El wrote:

      HannahW wrote:

      I’d say we’re all “mostly” something, and although I don’t claim to be an expert in these matters (far from it :lol: ), I think the something we mostly are can probably change at different times of our life, or maybe when we meet different people.

      You can be who or want you want to be, “label” yourself or not, or change labels whenever you want to. I think, anyway.

      Kara Zor-El wrote:

      . life is a journey right?
      Yes, I think that’s right. :)
      that's a good way of looking at it. :) Tho i think there are some things. The "non mostlies" that are so hard wired into who we are, that trying to change ourselves might be unhealthy?
      As I said before, I’m definitely no expert, but maybe we’re not “hard wired” to be one thing or another. Or if we are, maybe we’re just hard wired to be mostly something. Like you said in your original post, sexuality can be really confusing. For my part, even though I’ve felt attraction for girls, the only relationship I’ve had is with a boy. It was a pretty shitty relationship as it turned out, but that might have been because of the boy in question. At the moment I’m kind of waiting to see what happens next, if that makes sense.

      okay yea maybe. I am no expert either!! Obviously. lol I guess i was thinking more about the stories of teens entering into conversion therapy and coming out really messed up because of it. Where instead of fighting who they are and tryjng to change it they might instead be happier if they lived into it.
      Sorry to hear about the bad go in your relationship. Hugs.
      Oh yes that is seriously wrong! Why would anyone do that to their kid?

      And thanks. :freehugs:
    • Guys who see this thread: TIME FOR DICK PICS


      I know what you mean. I think most of us are on a scale somewhere...of some interest in girls, and some interest in guys. If I had to place mine....I would say I am probably around 60/40...more on the guy side.

      But that is just me. There is no wrong or right answer. If it makes you feel happy, do it.
    • BlackParadePixie wrote:

      Kara Zor-El wrote:

      BlackParadePixie wrote:

      Guys who see this thread: TIME FOR DICK PICS

      omg nooooooooooo :lol:
      Guys thinking: "She won't be a lesbo for long after I show her my giant cock"
      *Furiously searches google for big cock pics*

      orrrrrrrrr it might further solidify my lesbian status!!!!!
    • CayceStars wrote:

      BlackParadePixie wrote:

      Kara Zor-El wrote:

      BlackParadePixie wrote:

      Guys who see this thread: TIME FOR DICK PICS

      omg nooooooooooo :lol:
      Guys thinking: "She won't be a lesbo for long after I show her my giant cock"*Furiously searches google for big cock pics*

      the sad part is this is probably pretty accurate
      it pretty much is