For boys…Questions about peeing

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    • For boys…Questions about peeing

      This survey is for boys since my friends and I have talked about these things I want to see what other boys do.

      When you pee…
      1. Do you prefer to sit or stand while doing it at home?
      2. When not at home do you prefer to use a urinal or stall?
      3. Do you pee in the shower?
      4. If you need to go and there isn’t a bathroom around will you pee wherever you are at?
      5. When you are done do shake shake it, wipe off the tip, or just put your dick back in?
    • Orangeandlong wrote:

      This survey is for boys since my friends and I have talked about these things I want to see what other boys do.

      When you pee…
      1. Do you prefer to sit or stand while doing it at home? Unless I am going #2 I usually stand. I have friends who sit because they say it’s less messy.
      2. When not at home do you prefer to use a urinal or stall? Usually use a urinal if there is a divider between them. If a urinal isn’t available I’ll use a stall.
      3. Do you pee in the shower? I share a bathroom with my brother so I will if I need to go while showering.
      4. If you need to go and there isn’t a bathroom around will you pee wherever you are at? I will if there is some privacy or I can be somewhat hidden. I just don’t whip it out anywhere.
      5. When you are done do shake shake it, wipe off the tip, or just put your dick back in? Normally do a few shakes before putting junior away.

        1. Do you prefer to sit or stand while doing it at home? sit
        2. When not at home do you prefer to use a urinal or stall? yes
        3. Do you pee in the shower? yes
        4. If you need to go and there isn’t a bathroom around will you pee wherever you are at? maybe
        5. When you are done do shake shake it, wipe off the tip, or just put your dick back in? just put back

      1. Do you prefer to sit or stand while doing it at home? Sit
      2. When not at home do you prefer to use a urinal or stall? Urinal at school, stall in public spaces.
      3. Do you pee in the shower? Yes
      4. If you need to go and there isn’t a bathroom around will you pee wherever you are at? Maybe. In the forest, sure. In the city, probably not.
      5. When you are done do shake shake it, wipe off the tip, or just put your dick back in? Usually a bit of a shake
      19, Twin.
      1. Do you prefer to sit or stand while doing it at home? Stand
      2. When not at home do you prefer to use a urinal or stall? Urinal
      3. Do you pee in the shower? Yes
      4. If you need to go and there isn’t a bathroom around will you pee wherever you are at? Maybe. Yes
      5. When you are done do shake shake it, wipe off the tip, or just put your dick back in? put it back in
      1. Do you prefer to sit or stand while doing it at home? I sit down.
      2. When not at home do you prefer to use a urinal or stall? Always stall.
      3. Do you pee in the shower? No, definitely not.
      4. If you need to go and there isn’t a bathroom around will you pee wherever you are at? Like behind some bushes? Yeah, if it was private enough.
      5. When you are done do shake shake it, wipe off the tip, or just put your dick back in? Wipe tip.

      1. Do you prefer to sit or stand while doing it at home? Sit
      2. When not at home do you prefer to use a urinal or stall? Urinal, if not then stall
      3. Do you pee in the shower? Yes
      4. If you need to go and there isn’t a bathroom around will you pee wherever you are at? If really really urgent yes
      5. When you are done do shake shake it, wipe off the tip, or just put your dick back in? Wipe off tip
      I have more inspiration than expiration 8) :thumbup:
    • When you pee…
      1. Do you prefer to sit or stand while doing it at home? sit
      2. When not at home do you prefer to use a urinal or stall? urinals
      3. Do you pee in the shower? guilty
      4. If you need to go and there isn’t a bathroom around will you pee wherever you are at? when I really need to go, yes
      5. When you are done do shake shake it, wipe off the tip, or just put your dick back in? shake it a bit
      1. Do you prefer to sit or stand while doing it at home? Stand
      2. When not at home do you prefer to use a urinal or stall? Urinal unless one isn't available
      3. Do you pee in the shower? I have when I'm in a hurry in the morning and my erection won't go down
      4. If you need to go and there isn’t a bathroom around will you pee wherever you are at? Peed outside more times than I can remember
      5. When you are done do shake shake it, wipe off the tip, or just put your dick back in? I shake it. Have seen boys squeeze theirs also
    • Orangeandlong wrote:

      Do you prefer to sit or stand while doing it at home?

      Orangeandlong wrote:

      When not at home do you prefer to use a urinal or stall?
      I use a urinal if one is available or a stall if not.

      Orangeandlong wrote:

      Do you pee in the shower?
      If I am in the shower and need to pee then yes - no point in getting out when it will go down the drain anyway.

      Orangeandlong wrote:

      If you need to go and there isn’t a bathroom around will you pee wherever you are at?
      Much the same as you, I think. I obviously don't stand in the middle of the street and piss and I also avoid using places where it would make it unpleasant for others so I don't, for example, piss in secluded doorways or in telephone boxes, but other than that then I have no problem, i.e. anywhere out of sight where it will eventually run down a drain or soak into the grass or soil is good.

      Orangeandlong wrote:

      When you are done do shake shake it, wipe off the tip, or just put your dick back in?
      I "milk" it from base to tip to make sure any residue is out and wait a couple of seconds for any last drips. Shaking risks flicking it onto your clothes.
      1. Do you prefer to sit or stand while doing it at home? Stand
      2. When not at home do you prefer to use a urinal or stall? Urinal
      3. Do you pee in the shower? Always
      4. If you need to go and there isn’t a bathroom around will you pee wherever you are at? Depends on where I'm at
      5. When you are done do shake shake it, wipe off the tip, or just put your dick back in? Shake
    • When you pee…
      1. Do you prefer to sit or stand while doing it at home? I stand if I need to just pee
      2. When not at home do you prefer to use a urinal or stall? Which ever is available
      3. Do you pee in the shower? Sometimes
      4. If you need to go and there isn’t a bathroom around will you pee wherever you are at? I would find a bush or some other concealment to relieve myself
      5. When you are done do shake shake it, wipe off the tip, or just put your dick back in? I usually shake it a few times to get the drops out don't want a wet spot on my crotch
      1. Do you prefer to sit or stand while doing it at home? Both

      2. When not at home do you prefer to use a urinal or stall? Urinal
      3. Do you pee in the shower? Sometimes
      4. If you need to go and there isn’t a bathroom around will you pee wherever you are at? Behind a building or in bushes
      5. When you are done do shake shake it, wipe off the tip, or just put your dick back in? Put it back in
    • 1. Do you prefer to sit or stand while doing it at home? Stand
      2. When not at home do you prefer to use a urinal or stall? Stall
      3. Do you pee in the shower? Yes
      4. If you need to go and there isn’t a bathroom around will you pee wherever you are at? Depends on where I'm at
      5. When you are done do shake shake it, wipe off the tip, or just put your dick back in? I wipe the tip
    • 1. Do you prefer to sit or stand while doing it at home? Stand
      2. When not at home do you prefer to use a urinal or stall? stall
      3. Do you pee in the shower? sometimes
      4. If you need to go and there isn’t a bathroom around will you pee wherever you are at? Depends
      5. When you are done do shake shake it, wipe off the tip, or just put your dick back in? Shake it
      1. Do you prefer to sit or stand while doing it at home? stand
      2. When not at home do you prefer to use a urinal or stall? urinal is fine
      3. Do you pee in the shower? no. My sister kind of lost it when she found out she would be standing in a shower where 3 brothers would regularly pee. We got out of that habit.
      4. If you need to go and there isn’t a bathroom around will you pee wherever you are at? not in the middle of a parking lot or anything but if there is some place private, then yes.
      5. When you are done do shake shake it, wipe off the tip, or just put your dick back in? shake
    • When you pee…
      1. Do you prefer to sit or stand while doing it at home? Stand
      2. When not at home do you prefer to use a urinal or stall? Urinal
      3. Do you pee in the shower? Always
      4. If you need to go and there isn’t a bathroom around will you pee wherever you are at? If I can
      5. When you are done do shake shake it, wipe off the tip, or just put your dick back in? I shake it. Sometimes with the foreskin back
      1. Do you prefer to sit or stand while doing it at home? Stand, but have to sit
      2. When not at home do you prefer to use a urinal or stall? Urinal, when not to many people around
      3. Do you pee in the shower? Not often
      4. If you need to go and there isn’t a bathroom around will you pee wherever you are at? Yes, don't care
      5. When you are done do shake shake it, wipe off the tip, or just put your dick back in? I shake it. Put back in, there's no drops left
    • Orangeandlong wrote:

      This survey is for boys since my friends and I have talked about these things I want to see what other boys do.

      When you pee…
      1. Do you prefer to sit or stand while doing it at home? stand
      2. When not at home do you prefer to use a urinal or stall? urinal
      3. Do you pee in the shower?yes
      4. If you need to go and there isn’t a bathroom around will you pee wherever you are at? if i can
      5. When you are done do shake shake it, wipe off the tip, or just put your dick back in? shake

      Covering a dog turd in chocolate won’t make it a candy bar.