Why are normal people so hard to understand with autism

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    • Why are normal people so hard to understand with autism

      Like, I have autism and I am 16, I can't understand normal people and their beliefs, thoughts, and feelings, like who the hell came up with these different sets of ideas and beliefs and how am I suppose to know how to relate to normal people, their beliefs are so different and are not the same as mine.

      Heck, I don't know what I am suppose to believe, I believe anything that doesn't antagonize me, I feel its always about me, also, when I explain my struggles about autism, people think I am lying about it and to stop making excuses because they know autistic people who can do the things I can't do.

      I wish people would stop dismissing it because I feel I can barely understand normal people and how they behave, I don't think its normal for me to feel the way I feel.

      Like I don't know how to critically think or analyze things, I feel autism makes me retarded and dumb when it comes to believing different things and what to believe is right or wrong.

      I wish people would stop dismissing me and treating me like a psychopath, autism sucks and gives me a poor quality of life.