I need help

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    • I need help

      I know this is going to sound really crazy, but I need help (or maybe I just need somewhere to talk this out with someone who will be understanding) and I don't really know where else to go.

      See, I'm a 15 year old, and until recently I thought I was a guy. Turns out that I'm actually intersex, and the way I found out is that a few months ago I started having sex with my boyfriend. A while back I started feeling not too good, and after a trip to the doctor and a bunch of tests, it turns out I'm about 3 months pregnant! (See, I said this would sound crazy.) I'm really confused right now. I don't know if I should have an abortion or not. My parents are pro-life, but they say that the decision is mine because they realize these are unusual circumstances, and they will sign off on abortion if that's what I decide. I don't know what to do!

      Please be nice when commenting. I know I probably sound like a troll who's just trying to prank all of you, and believe me, I wish I was making all this up, but I'm not!
    • I'm not even sure this is possible ?( (I mean its possible but seriously unlikely, especially without knowing you had girl parts or a period)

      Good Friend :play: Kinda Romantic :love: Ready to Rock :zomg:

      "If you try to follow fashion you'll always be chasing, and probably never catch it. If you be yourself and make your own style, fashion might just bump into you one day."
    • maseb wrote:

      I've never seen a boy with a vagina, and I've seen lots of naked boys.
      One would think at 15 you'd have figured out basic anatomy
      Intersex people are born with both male and female sex characteristics. Someone perhaps has and developments penis and a vaginal opening or uterus. Or someone has a vulva and a large clitoris which looks like a penis. Other intersex people do have the fully-developed sex characteristics of 1 sex but a mix of female and male hormones, chromosomes or genes.
    • ChrisC05 wrote:

      maseb wrote:

      I've never seen a boy with a vagina, and I've seen lots of naked boys.
      One would think at 15 you'd have figured out basic anatomy
      Intersex people are born with both male and female sex characteristics. Someone perhaps has and developments penis and a vaginal opening or uterus. Or someone has a vulva and a large clitoris which looks like a penis. Other intersex people do have the fully-developed sex characteristics of 1 sex but a mix of female and male hormones, chromosomes or genes.
      Thanks for explaining that
    • Braedan wrote:

      I know this is going to sound really crazy, but I need help (or maybe I just need somewhere to talk this out with someone who will be understanding) and I don't really know where else to go.

      See, I'm a 15 year old, and until recently I thought I was a guy. Turns out that I'm actually intersex, and the way I found out is that a few months ago I started having sex with my boyfriend. A while back I started feeling not too good, and after a trip to the doctor and a bunch of tests, it turns out I'm about 3 months pregnant! (See, I said this would sound crazy.) I'm really confused right now. I don't know if I should have an abortion or not. My parents are pro-life, but they say that the decision is mine because they realize these are unusual circumstances, and they will sign off on abortion if that's what I decide. I don't know what to do!

      Please be nice when commenting. I know I probably sound like a troll who's just trying to prank all of you, and believe me, I wish I was making all this up, but I'm not!
      hiya im sorry to hear you're having troubles and feeling lost but i recommend looking into a counselling/support session about pregnancies/transgender support as thats the cloest thing to this. In terms of abortion..

      1. Have the baby and raise it with ur family support
      2. Have the baby but give the baby to the orphanage
      3. Abortion
      Consider talking to a counsellor, your parents more and maybe the person u had sex with? best of luck
    • Thanks to ChrisC05 and DragonV2 for your comments. I have had a few more tests done. Somehow, I have internal female reproductive organs and external male ones. There's a sort of...tube, for lack of a better word, that leads from the womb to my butt, so the doctors think that was how my boyfriend got me pregnant.

      The doctors want to continue monitoring things and are not against the idea of aborting the pregnancy, but they think I might be able to handle being pregnant for the duration of the pregnancy. They are even suggesting that perhaps I should give birth naturally, since the womb is in a place that would make a C-section a bit more difficult than normal. And to answer the question of how a birth would happen, they think that the baby would come out the way it went in (so yeah, the baby would come out of my butt).

      My boyfriend wants the baby to be born, but admits that it's easy for him to say, since he's not the one who's pregnant. I think our parents would let us keep the baby and raise it, but I know that's a lot of work. I'm so scared!
    • UPDATE:

      I'm thinking that I'm probably going to be having the baby. So far, the doctors think that I can safely carry the baby to term and maybe give birth naturally. And yes, they want to have a natural birth through my anus as long as the baby doesn't get too big (so we're not talking like a 10 pound baby or anything like that popping out of my anus), since they feel that would allow for a faster post-birth recovery than cutting me open for a C-Section. Also, the doctors figure that if I can get pregnant and safely carry a baby to term to begin with, they wonder what else my body can do, and that includes how possible a natural birth is, even if it's anal. (And while I'm a bit scared over that, there was a time early on where they thought the baby might come out of my penis before they determined that it would come out of my anus, so at least it's not going to be a penis birth!) They will help give me some stuff to help get my anus get used to being stretched out more, and will probably give my anus some injections of relaxant at the start of the delivery.

      My boyfriend and his parents want to be involved in raising the baby, and my parents would help out too so that I can keep going to school. Crazy thing is that if I give birth naturally, my parents want me to invite my 10-year-old brother into the delivery room to watch and help out (I guess the doctors want a couple of people to come in and help hold my legs up and apart during the delivery, and my boyfriend would be one of them, so I'd need someone else to come in to help out).