confusing mixed signals please help haha

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    • confusing mixed signals please help haha


      I'm a 17 year old girl, and I have known this 15 year old guy for a while. Maybe a year? Since I've known him, I've really gotten to like him, but teenage guys are kinda confusing and he keeps sending me mixed signals. I really just want some advice on whether or not you think he likes me, and how to maybe get out of the friend zone if he does? I always get stuck at the talking phase, but I really like him, and I would like for something to happen even though most view highschool relationships as pointless. haha

      anyway, this boy, I do a sport with him, and I see him a lot at school and he smiles at me, and makes me laugh by making silly faces at me (I know, I know, this sounds really dumb). He can be really sweet to me, but also sometimes doesn't really talk to me at all. I know this also sounds stupid, but my friends say its something... we talk a lot on snap, and he saves ALL of our chats. He has asked me to play with his hair twice I think(?), and I catch him looking at me a lot, but he looks away. He says my name in this silly way when he sees me and likes to tease me. whenever a guy friend snaps him from my phone, he asks who he is and if hes my bf.


      I have this really bad friend (who isn't really my friend anymore lol) who told him that I like him a lot. And according to her, he just said "I don't like her" but we were good after that. He talked to me like normal, and smiles at me all the time, then looks away. I catch him looking at me at school, but he doesn't always meet my eyes.

      Am I reading too much into things? I hate being confused like this and I really want him to like me, but I hate it when you had it all wrong and then you just feel stupid, but I really like this guy, so advice of any kind would be appreicated :)
    • Speaking from experience, it is often a case that a guy might like a girl, but lacks the confidence in himself to make a move, fearing that the feeling may not be mutual. To me though, it sounds like there are mutual feelings here, and if you were to make a move on him, I bet he would be incredibly happy and relieved!