BOYS ONLY: Ball sac (scrotum) color

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    • DigitalDude wrote:

      As far as I know, it's pretty common and normal for the scrotal skin to be darker (my doctor said that last time I had a physical). I don't know why it is. Something to do with melanin. I'm white, fairly pale, and my scrotum is definitely darker than the area around it.
      yeah i notice mine being dark especially when it tightens up if i am cold or about to shoot out my cum
    • Race: "white"

      Is your ball sac (scrotum) darker in color? Yes, everyone who has gone through puberty has this

      If YES: What color....

      (a) pinkish
      (b) slightly darker than the surrounding leg area skin/light brown
      (c) tan
      (d) a lot darker than the surrounding leg area skin/ dark brown

      Does your sac ever tighten up/ get wrinkly? Yes, all scrotums do

      If YES, WHEN does it happen? When I'm cold, nervous, scared, very angry, or close to orgasm
    • Alanjr wrote:

      Birds18 wrote:

      Alanjr wrote:

      Age: 13

      Race: white

      Is your ball sac (scrotum) darker in color? no about like my penis

      If YES: What color....

      (a) pinkish
      (b) slightly darker than the surrounding leg area skin/light brown
      (c) tan
      (d) a lot darker than the surrounding leg area skin/ dark brown

      Does your sac ever tighten up/ get wrinkly? Yes

      If YES, WHEN does it happen? When I'm swimming or cold. Definitely just before I cum
      I think everyone’s gets tight when they are having an orgasm. I know for sure that as I orgasm my balls pull up tight to my body.
      They pretty much disappear! Then you can feel them drop after you stop coming. But the guys in porn movies who have really loose balls don't go that far up. But you can see them move when they pump their sperm out.
      What do you mean you see them move when they pump their sperm ??
    • Both my penis and scrotum are a little darker than the skin on my stomach and thighs, i.e. it is a dark pink rather than mostly white.

      masong wrote:

      What do you mean you see them move when they pump their sperm ??
      I am intrigued by this too.

      The wall of the scrotum actually has muscles fibres in. When those muscle fibres contract it pulls our testicles closer to the body and the wall of the scrotum becomes more wrinkled. When those muscle fibres relax, the testicles hang lower and the scrotum is smoother.

      One thing that influences this is temperature. They pull up closer to the body when cold and hang lower when warm. Also, as people have commented, they pull up when we're about to cum. Other than pulling up, though, I wouldn't expect to see any pumping as we cum because our balls aren't really doing anything there. The balls contain sperm that are immature and not ready to ejaculate. They mature in the epididymis, a coiled tube on the back of each ball, and only when they reach the end of that and enter the vas deferens, which takes them up into the body, are they ready to go.
    • Age: 14

      Race: Latino

      Is your ball sac (scrotum) darker in color? Yes

      If YES: What color.... B

      (a) pinkish
      (b) slightly darker than the surrounding leg area skin/light brown
      (c) tan
      (d) a lot darker than the surrounding leg area skin/ dark brown

      Does your sac ever tighten up/ get wrinkly? Yes

      If YES, WHEN does it happen? whenever I get slightly cold
    • Age:14

      Race: European

      Is your ball sac (scrotum) darker in color? YES

      If YES: What color.... Dark brown

      (a) pinkish
      (b) slightly darker than the surrounding leg area skin/light brown
      (c) tan
      (d) a lot darker than the surrounding leg area skin/ dark brown

      Does your sac ever tighten up/ get wrinkly? Yes

      If YES, WHEN does it happen? Usually when I play with my dick (or take it out of my pants). So this only happens during boring lessons. Never happened during jerking off
    • Age: 13

      Race: white

      Is your ball sac (scrotum) darker in color? not really

      If YES: What color....

      (a) pinkish
      (b) slightly darker than the surrounding leg area skin/light brown
      (c) tan
      (d) a lot darker than the surrounding leg area skin/ dark brown

      Does your sac ever tighten up/ get wrinkly? it’s kinda always like that

      If YES, WHEN does it happen? most of the time
    • Age:14


      Is your ball sac (scrotum) darker in color?yes

      If YES: What color....b

      (a) pinkish
      (b) slightly darker than the surrounding leg area skin/light brown
      (c) tan
      (d) a lot darker than the surrounding leg area skin/ dark brown

      Does your sac ever tighten up/ get wrinkly?yes

      If YES, WHEN does it happen?when its cold
    • Age: 13

      Race: white

      Is your ball sac (scrotum) darker in color? not really

      If YES: What color....

      (a) pinkish
      (b) slightly darker than the surrounding leg area skin/light brown
      (c) tan
      (d) a lot darker than the surrounding leg area skin/ dark brown

      Does your sac ever tighten up/ get wrinkly? yeah it’s like that most of the time

      If YES, WHEN does it happen? when i’m cold or just coming out the of pool or just generally