Book banning

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    • Book banning

      Here in the USA parents seem hell bent on getting certain books banned from the school libraries, which is starting to get ridiculous.

      Let's be honest.... how would they feel if THIS book was banned.... which has many of the things they are so worried about and objecting to?? :rolleyes:

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    • Kara Zor-El wrote:

      Natacha wrote:

      I don't hear about any books being banned here. Parents aren't so ridiculous here luckily. I would like to see the bible banned though :D
      The Bible is a good book, when people aren't horribly taking verses out of context to fit a mean non loving agenda!!
      It would be, if it says "This is strictly fantasy" when you open it up :)
      "Comedy is like sex. If they haven't made a noise in a while, change what you're doing" - Sara Pascoe
    • Natacha wrote:

      Kara Zor-El wrote:

      Natacha wrote:

      I don't hear about any books being banned here. Parents aren't so ridiculous here luckily. I would like to see the bible banned though :D
      The Bible is a good book, when people aren't horribly taking verses out of context to fit a mean non loving agenda!!
      It would be, if it says "This is strictly fantasy" when you open it up :)
      But there was a historical Jesus Christ??

      Anyways, we are getting way off topic now.
      I'll bring it back. Book banning BAD. :lol:
    • I honestly haven't heard much about book banning in years. This might be a thing at a very local level, but its not where I'm at

      However, the Bible is a good example to use against it. It does have all that stuff in it

      I'm not for censorship of books or music, as long as the choice is there whether or not it is for you. I do not agree with things being forced to be read or listened to or watched (and I don't understand why schools require some things...). I think people should be free to choose what they consume or experience
    • With the exception of very early bans by religious groups (which were of less importance because 70% of the population could not read anyway at the time), USA book/educational bans began after the civil war when the United Daughters of the Confederacy influenced schools in the southern USA to ban any book that even hinted at equality of persons of non-European descent.(They conveniently forgot that the central figure of their Christian religion was Jewish.)

      The same movement (under different names) gained even more influence, until the 1920s when they banned teaching of evolution, and expanded to include a ban on any sexual education and any writing that even mentioned homosexuality (way before the acronym LGBTQ was heard).

      Apparently the US government does not regulate education, but has always allowed states to create their own rules governing education. So there is a wide variety of rules. There are still, in some states, rules that prohibit teaching of evolution (labelled "Darwinism), sex education, LGBTQ subjects, social equality and racism.

      There are a lot of US Nationals in the Netherlands, and the students have a huge culture shock when entering schools here. Many US expats choose to put their children into private schools to avoid the "liberalised culture" here.

      It is not restricted to the USA however. Repressive cultures have always used, and still use, banning of books/writing/speech to maintain control. Think of Hong Kong and West Asia as two of many examples. And even some European countries.

      Myself, as most people where I live, think that no books should be banned. Although we do have anti-hate laws, reading of such things is necessary to even understand why the laws exist.

      NOTE: I am writing this post as an 'outsider' studying US culture/history. I cannot guarantee it's accuracy, and am obviously open to correction by people that live in the USA and understand the culture.
    • where I live I think they've just banned book as a general idea :lol:

      All our libraries have been closed. There are a few "libraries" but there more joint building with general council services and a few book or pamphlets to make them a library. Apparently now libraries are just places with computers ?(

      And our book shops have closed. A few shops still have books in an area, but mostly cook books and biographies. No chance of me reading to anyone like my gran used to with me when we were out when I was young. I'm probably sad for when I went on vacation looking forward to going to a nice book shop, like a magical shop from Harry Potter :lol:

      Good Friend :play: Kinda Romantic :love: Ready to Rock :zomg:

      "If you try to follow fashion you'll always be chasing, and probably never catch it. If you be yourself and make your own style, fashion might just bump into you one day."
    • BJade wrote:

      where I live I think they've just banned book as a general idea :lol:

      All our libraries have been closed. There are a few "libraries" but there more joint building with general council services and a few book or pamphlets to make them a library. Apparently now libraries are just places with computers ?(

      And our book shops have closed. A few shops still have books in an area, but mostly cook books and biographies. No chance of me reading to anyone like my gran used to with me when we were out when I was young. I'm probably sad for when I went on vacation looking forward to going to a nice book shop, like a magical shop from Harry Potter :lol:
      The library we used to go to when I was younger has closed. It’s now a cafe/wine bar! Fortunately, there are still some book shops I can go to.

      As to the main point, banning books is stupid, unless they promote hatred, racism, violence etc. I’ve not heard of it happening here, though.
    • HannahW wrote:

      BJade wrote:

      All our libraries have been closed. There are a few "libraries" but there more joint building with general council services and a few book or pamphlets to make them a library. Apparently now libraries are just places with computers ?(
      The library we used to go to when I was younger has closed. It’s now a cafe/wine bar! Fortunately, there are still some book shops I can go to.
      We have libraries. I think. Never been to ours, but I can and do check books from it on my mobile.
    • BlackParadePixie wrote:

      I'm not a fan of banning books outright...I believe there should be age appropriate sections or something, I don't know. We don't want 8 year olds reading stuff like 50 shades of gray, do we?
      I agree. Although I'm sure that a grown person with a normal blood flow between their ears wouldn't sell or lend an 8 year old a book like that, I definitely think that certain books should be age restricted.
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    • Snowfox wrote:

      As far as I remember everyone in USA and UK has been super fan of banning books and speak that is not ultra left and voted accordingly.
      So why are people whining now when you get what you voted for?
      I get the impression they're hellbent on getting certain books banned regardless who's on the top and which way they swing.
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    • HannahW wrote:

      Snowfox wrote:

      As far as I remember everyone in USA and UK has been super fan of banning books and speak that is not ultra left and voted accordingly.
      So why are people whining now when you get what you voted for?
      So not true. You think the UK has got an “ultra left” government? Have you met Boris Johnson and his pro-Brexit friends?
      and if you want a sexist, racist, classist.... basically an insult against anyone read Boris's articles he did when he was a writer for a newspaper =O or some of his cabinet who support genocide

      I'm sure trump came under your "ultra left" ideas to ?(

      Good Friend :play: Kinda Romantic :love: Ready to Rock :zomg:

      "If you try to follow fashion you'll always be chasing, and probably never catch it. If you be yourself and make your own style, fashion might just bump into you one day."
    • There are some books banned, but I think in general, Austria understands it's historic past that includes, during the Nazi regime, public book burning of everything that was "different". Doesn't mean you can get every book at a school library, but books on homosexuality or, for example, WW2 are not banned because some might be offended by them or fear students will get upset. And not only my school, but also my brother's and the one my two best friends go to, have varied reading lists that students can choose from ever year. I had a love story of two boys on the English reading list this year (which was a book I chose to read).

      I never read the bible, but as far as I know, there is some gory stuff in there that definitely would upset younger kids. If that's the rule on banning books... But it's not. It's about banning books backwards thinking aholes have a problem with as they are stuck in the past. And that's wrong.
    • notthatchrisevans wrote:

      There are some books banned, but I think in general, Austria understands it's historic past that includes, during the Nazi regime, public book burning of everything that was "different". Doesn't mean you can get every book at a school library, but books on homosexuality or, for example, WW2 are not banned because some might be offended by them or fear students will get upset. And not only my school, but also my brother's and the one my two best friends go to, have varied reading lists that students can choose from ever year. I had a love story of two boys on the English reading list this year (which was a book I chose to read).

      I never read the bible, but as far as I know, there is some gory stuff in there that definitely would upset younger kids. If that's the rule on banning books... But it's not. It's about banning books backwards thinking aholes have a problem with as they are stuck in the past. And that's wrong.
      What ever but you have to read quran and worship it as holy book because your communist/islamist government dictates so