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    • BJade wrote:

      the reason Europe can't sanction Russia on gas and oil

      That is actually not entirely truth. At least 20% of finlands oil comes elsewhere and has came for decades. Neste (biggest oil company here) maintains tanker fleet to import crude oil from middle east and elsewhere.
      Also Estonia has oil reserves which they stopped using because "green" assholes pressured them to do so.
      Europe can be energy and oil product self sufficent if it wants to be. It just wont be clean but it certainly can be done.
      Why it is so then its typical green lobby nimby ideals. Pumping oil or making oil from brown coal is dirty at best and green lobby wants to greenwash europe by bying oil from Russia. They think if those environmental problems wont happen here they do not happen at all.
    • lliam wrote:

      collin13 wrote:

      but what I find surprising is that no one has really mentioned the vast natural resources and industry that exists in the Ukraine.
      That's because it's such obvious that one feels like one don't even need to mention it.
      Perhaps. But it is a major component as to why. You don't just trounce into another country and kill people just because right?
    • collin13 wrote:

      lliam wrote:

      collin13 wrote:

      but what I find surprising is that no one has really mentioned the vast natural resources and industry that exists in the Ukraine.
      That's because it's such obvious that one feels like one don't even need to mention it.
      Perhaps. But it is a major component as to why. You don't just trounce into another country and kill people just because right?
      Well most democratic nations wouldn't just invade another country on made up reasons
    • maseb wrote:

      collin13 wrote:

      lliam wrote:

      collin13 wrote:

      but what I find surprising is that no one has really mentioned the vast natural resources and industry that exists in the Ukraine.
      That's because it's such obvious that one feels like one don't even need to mention it.
      Perhaps. But it is a major component as to why. You don't just trounce into another country and kill people just because right?
      Well most democratic nations wouldn't just invade another country on made up reasons
      Most democratic countries would and had done it in past.
    • collin13 wrote:

      Perhaps. But it is a major component as to why. You don't just trounce into another country and kill people just because right?

      Well, since natural resources are always at stake, I consider this point to be negligible as a reason for analytic purposes of the current Ukraine crisis. At least for now.

      Personally, my focus right now is more on Vladi Putin than what affects Russia as a nation. I think without him as Tsarevich by his own grace, there would have been no Russian encroachment on Ukraine so quickly, if at all.

      But basically it's about his ego. I rarely seriously draw parallels with Hitler, but in Putin's case I make an exception.
      It is also a lesson, especially for the US, in what happens when citizens allow such self-absorbed and criminal idiots to take power.

      Of course, Putin puts forward rational reasons, but essentially he is trying to send a message to the West - hands off our borders and the former buffer states. This is also somewhat reminiscent of the Cuban Missile Crisis in the 1960s. Just with the roles reversed.

      Anyway, for the time being, other states should first come to a common consensus on how to help Ukrainians. On the one hand, I assume this is important for just humanity reasons and, on the other hand, to show future aggressors from other countries that they should rather hang themselves than even try to plan such invasions.

      At least, e.g., China could to the conclusion to assimilate Taiwan. Then there's North Korea, the Middle East, etc. States just have to see how they can kick Putin's ass such effectively without hurting the entire country, Russia.
    • lliam wrote:

      But basically it's about his ego. I rarely seriously draw parallels with Hitler, but in Putin's case I make an exception.
      It is also a lesson, especially for the US, in what happens when citizens allow such self-absorbed and criminal idiots to take power.
      That is the case in here. Russians as people have this cultural tendency to worship such people. This is what russian people want and have always wanted for last 1000 years.
      NO amount of reasoning will ever work because people like those never respect any rules or deals. Brutal violence is only way to communicate effectively with people like that.
    • if so, u did a very dedicated research.

      meanwhile in the US: Wahshington Post, Today at 5:34 a.m. EST

      Rep. Lauren Boebert says, like Ukraine, Canada and U.S. ‘need freedom and need to be liberated’

      As some Ukrainians flee their homeland and others take cover in underground shelters while Russia fires missiles into major cities, Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) says two other nations have citizens in need of saving: Canada and the United States.
      “I pray for Ukraine, and I wish them the best,” Boebert said in a Sunday interview with Fox Nation. “… But we also have neighbors to the north who need freedom and need to be liberated, and we need that right here at home, as well.”


      Means Canada becomes the next Ukraine. It's a laugh.

      So, it's getting weirder and weirder among the Reps. Rep. Boebert basically shows no sympathy for Ukrainians suffering, even if she puts forward appropriate phrases.
    • maseb wrote:

      I they are, they've hidden it very well from most of the world, especially the USA
      Thanks to the genius of Jagmeet Singh, Leader of the
      who joint forces with AOC

      to bring the Southern neighbors onto the Progressive's path in the long run, plucking the leaves of the Republican blossom from election to election until it finally wilts, and the Dems are so weakened that the true Democrats can wrest the country from the clutches of capitalism and to institute free Universal Health Care for all and, of course, the UBI.

      Oooops, sorry about the spoiler.
    • BJade wrote:

      How the War is being reported in Russia

      Russians worship their government and actually like and want war.

      WHy cant you just face it. With russians there are following alternatives

      1: You go down to your knees and accept what ever they want
      2: You give them 100 times more violent treatment and kill 10 times more them

      If you choose numer one you can expect to be in that position next 100000 years

      numer two means that most propably you have to get allies and invest tou your own safety cause no one else will.

      Most of western countries have choosen numer 1 and that is what it is going to be.

      Numer 3 peacefull coexisting with Russia and russians is not an option because they never want that.
    • Snowfox wrote:

      Russians worship their government and actually like and want war.
      do you have any actual proof

      Yes some do worship. But there are lots of examples of Russians being against Putin and the war

      Theres a big difference between worship and fear of what will happen if you speak up (the possibility of being punished by death)

      Good Friend :play: Kinda Romantic :love: Ready to Rock :zomg:

      "If you try to follow fashion you'll always be chasing, and probably never catch it. If you be yourself and make your own style, fashion might just bump into you one day."
    • BJade wrote:

      Snowfox wrote:

      Russians worship their government and actually like and want war.
      do you have any actual proof
      Yes some do worship. But there are lots of examples of Russians being against Putin and the war

      Theres a big difference between worship and fear of what will happen if you speak up (the possibility of being punished by death)
      Their culture is proof.
      There has been no point in history of mankind where Russia has not been either run by psychopath dictator or been run by no one particular.
      They yearn for strong leader and that means psychopath. They love to be under iron boot of strong leader and what their heart desires most is to be that person with iron boot towars others.