Emotional dependance

    • Emotional dependance

      Hi, so I need your help with this : I've been dating this guy for over a month. I like him a lot, but the thing is, I think I'm dependant I already was in my previous relationship (my ex boyfriend emotionally abused me) and now I'm even more scared that what happened with my ex will happen with my current boyfriend.. when we're together, he's really sweet, but I can't help but notice every little change. For example, before we started dating, we used to send quite long text, because we had a lot of things to discuss about, but now I find it hard to have a discussion with him.. I personally never run of things to talk about, but when I start talking about something, it's not like before we started dating, and now.. well it has not even been 2 months. There's no problem when we're actually together though, but when we're texting, I feel like I will just be annoying him.. I already asked him and he reassured me, but I'm always insecure..
      Another thing I noticed : I had asked him if he wanted to come over (we usually see each other once a week, but if he had come we would have met for the second time), and he told me he couldn't come because he was going out with his parents to see some friends. But when I opened discord I could see that he was playing (and he changed games twice, so it was not just that the game was open while he was outside). I didn't say anything really, but it got me thinking and even more insecure :/
      What do you guys think ?
    • super late and hoping you've got clarity now, but it might not hurt to just focus on you for the time being. fight those insecurities and then you'll likely be better equipped for anything to come in terms of relationships. because you rock and deserve the world. you just don't fully know it yet :)
      i love taylor swift and cookie dough