Nude beaches, camps

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    • mentallychaotic wrote:

      maseb wrote:

      We aren't as liberated about nudity here in USA as other countries are. Which is a shame really as there isn't anything sexual about being nude unless you make it so. Beaches I imagine are similar to what you have, I've never visited one, but family resorts try to protect minors as much as possible
      I understand this. I suppose the most important point, at least to me, is not about the culture... but about personal boundaries, about only doing what one is comfortable with. There is a wide spread in this forum of personal comfort levels, and people who are not comfortable with some things should not feel that they have done something wrong. While we all may have been taught differently, there is no wrong or right in this sense.
      I agree with you
    • mentallychaotic wrote:

      maseb wrote:

      corey_stratton wrote:

      i guess everybody has reasons, but you cant tell me that there are creeps who would go to these just to check out the kids, i wonder if they have backgound checks like they do at schools and stuff where even janitors and other school staff have to pass checks and thats not even being nude, its crazy, and i still think that some do it just to show off their bodies, especially boys who have nice muscles, whatevr.
      The resort we went to doesn't allow singles, couples and families only. A quick search shows some resorts require membership or have a member vouch for you. All had no photo policies and some warned they'd bring in police if violators are caughtI'm sure creeps can slip through
      Interesting that nude events have memberships and pass checks. I suppose in some societies, there must be controls. In my country, the separation between normal beach and nude beach (if there is any separation at all) is a simple sign that says "Clothing optional beyond this point". Anyone can come or go, and it is not like anyone is hidden. And nude events such as the annual nude bicycle ride, attract few spectators other than tourists, but attract lots of participants. Being nude in public is not a crime, so it is not like creeps need to search out places to find nude people.
      Cultural differences, and what we grow up with and are therefore accustomed to, what we see as "normal" makes a big difference in our comfort levels, and also in the perceived frequency of "creeps" being part of the group.

      That said, everyone should understand their own boundaries and comfort levels, and act within those boundaries. No boundary is right or wrong, just different.
      You’re talking about public beaches with the “clothing optional behind this point” - that’s the responsibility of local government/ police to deal with the perverts
      Clubs are different and have their own policies
    • hillari wrote:

      You’re talking about public beaches with the “clothing optional behind this point” - that’s the responsibility of local government/ police to deal with the pervertsClubs are different and have their own policies
      Yes, true. I just do not think we have such things here. Lots of nudist beaches, nudist camping, nudist resorts, nudist towns... but I do not think we have private clubs of that sort. Interesting.
    • mentallychaotic wrote:

      hillari wrote:

      You’re talking about public beaches with the “clothing optional behind this point” - that’s the responsibility of local government/ police to deal with the pervertsClubs are different and have their own policies
      Yes, true. I just do not think we have such things here. Lots of nudist beaches, nudist camping, nudist resorts, nudist towns... but I do not think we have private clubs of that sort. Interesting.
      I think resorts and stuff would come under that
      But lol what? Nudist towns? Which fantasy land has nude towns??

      I’ve never been to anything like a nude beach, I only know from what my cousins have told me
    • hillari wrote:

      I think resorts and stuff would come under thatBut lol what? Nudist towns? Which fantasy land has nude towns??

      I’ve never been to anything like a nude beach, I only know from what my cousins have told me
      Perhaps I simply do not know the correct phrase in English. Places kind of like nudist camping, but people live there all the time, not just for holiday. I suppose that in some of them, part of the residents are permanent, and part are holiday visitors.
    • If someone said: "I wish I could go to a beach where there were no creepy gawking guys drooling over me and it's obvious they are thinking about having sex with me" - I would suggest going to a nude beach, cause that is where I feel most safe.
      "Comedy is like sex. If they haven't made a noise in a while, change what you're doing" - Sara Pascoe
    • French_Girl wrote:

      I have never been to a nude beach, and I don't think I would like to go there because there are people much older than me
      I understand what you are saying. I too would prefer would like to go to a nude beach that has kids my age. That would eliminate the worry about perverts.

      Do you live in France? I understand that France has loads of nudist beaches.

      Can you have any suggestions?
    • pahern0317 wrote:

      Natacha wrote:

      If someone said: "I wish I could go to a beach where there were no creepy gawking guys drooling over me and it's obvious they are thinking about having sex with me" - I would suggest going to a nude beach, cause that is where I feel most safe.
      Do you know of any family friendly naturist beaches? You know - kid safe locations.
      Well I mostly know those in Denmark and ALL of them are kid safe of course.
      "Comedy is like sex. If they haven't made a noise in a while, change what you're doing" - Sara Pascoe
    • ScottFremont wrote:

      Saw online that the country of Spain has many nude beaches. Why is the USA so freaking conservative? It's my God given right to have my entire body as brown as can be; vitamin D is healthful, maybe Biden didn't get that memo.
      LOL, that society attitude existed long before Biden became president. So have nudist resorts and beaches, google is your friend if you're trying to find near where you live
    • Alanjr wrote:

      Being nude outside feels sooooo good - the sun and the breeze. Nope, boners aren't common. There's areas in Arizona where legal nude rec areas are. We have camped there in our travel trailer. Been naked for an entire week. I wasn't the only kid there thankfully.
      I don't go to nudist camps, I don't know if it exists near me. I can stay completely naked in the yard, but I'm afraid someone could watching me. =O =O