Most exciting.

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    • The only thing I remember an age for was my first ejaculation which was 11y9m. I am not sure I was especially excited about it, though it did seem to me like it was very significant and the central event of puberty.

      Also, as I had been having dry orgasms, it's not like orgasms suddenly felt twice as good. I have commented before that ejaculating adds some pleasant sensations but the level of sensation grew as how much I was ejaculating did.

      The other thing that jumps out at me is that I suddenly started becoming much more aware of my penis, to the point of examining it closely including under the foreskin. That was some time before my first ejaculation and probably just before I started masturbating. As an early developer, once it had started growing, some of the other boys used to make comments - donkey dick etc.
    • Sean2001 wrote:

      The only thing I remember an age for was my first ejaculation which was 11y9m. I am not sure I was especially excited about it, though it did seem to me like it was very significant and the central event of puberty.

      Also, as I had been having dry orgasms, it's not like orgasms suddenly felt twice as good. I have commented before that ejaculating adds some pleasant sensations but the level of sensation grew as how much I was ejaculating did.

      The other thing that jumps out at me is that I suddenly started becoming much more aware of my penis, to the point of examining it closely including under the foreskin. That was some time before my first ejaculation and probably just before I started masturbating. As an early developer, once it had started growing, some of the other boys used to make comments - donkey dick etc.
      So do you have a big dick or was it just big compared to other guys that were either just starting puberty or hadn’t started yet?
    • Starlord wrote:

      At first it was about getting pubes, but now that I've learnt about ejaculation I'm looking forward to itPubes started about a few months ago, at about 13.5 - 14
      I wonder if excitement around first ejaculation is an early/late developer thing.

      Being early, as I said earlier, I knew it was significant but it wasn't really something I would go boasting to other boys about. There was one other boy in my class who was an even earlier developer, and we had some interesting discussions, but most others were not on the same page.

      But when starting to ejaculate is "joining the club" with the others I can see that would be very welcome.
    • Sean2001 wrote:

      Starlord wrote:

      At first it was about getting pubes, but now that I've learnt about ejaculation I'm looking forward to itPubes started about a few months ago, at about 13.5 - 14
      I wonder if excitement around first ejaculation is an early/late developer thing.
      Being early, as I said earlier, I knew it was significant but it wasn't really something I would go boasting to other boys about. There was one other boy in my class who was an even earlier developer, and we had some interesting discussions, but most others were not on the same page.

      But when starting to ejaculate is "joining the club" with the others I can see that would be very welcome.
      Being a late bloomer I was excited about each thing that I got. When I noticed a little bit of fuzz developing around the base of my dick I got excited because I was finally catching up to my friends. When I would masturbate and I noticed a little bit of fluid occasionally at the tip of my dick I would also get excited because I knew that I would be able to ejaculate soon
    • Sean2001 wrote:

      Starlord wrote:

      At first it was about getting pubes, but now that I've learnt about ejaculation I'm looking forward to itPubes started about a few months ago, at about 13.5 - 14
      I wonder if excitement around first ejaculation is an early/late developer thing.
      Being early, as I said earlier, I knew it was significant but it wasn't really something I would go boasting to other boys about. There was one other boy in my class who was an even earlier developer, and we had some interesting discussions, but most others were not on the same page.

      But when starting to ejaculate is "joining the club" with the others I can see that would be very welcome.
      When I started to think about puberty I didn't know about ejaculation yet, too young I guess, but I did know about dick growing and pubes ^^
      So it's prolly why I was looking for pubes
    • Starlord wrote:

      Sean2001 wrote:

      Starlord wrote:

      At first it was about getting pubes, but now that I've learnt about ejaculation I'm looking forward to itPubes started about a few months ago, at about 13.5 - 14
      I wonder if excitement around first ejaculation is an early/late developer thing.Being early, as I said earlier, I knew it was significant but it wasn't really something I would go boasting to other boys about. There was one other boy in my class who was an even earlier developer, and we had some interesting discussions, but most others were not on the same page.

      But when starting to ejaculate is "joining the club" with the others I can see that would be very welcome.
      When I started to think about puberty I didn't know about ejaculation yet, too young I guess, but I did know about dick growing and pubes ^^ So it's prolly why I was looking for pubes
      We started taking sex education class at age 10 so 5th grade. So are you what to expect. I was disappointed because I was expecting some development around age 12. I ended up having to wait until I was 14