How bad are energy drinks for you?

    • How bad are energy drinks for you?

      i drank one can of monster, one can of redbull, and some tea yesterday and i literally stayed up all night, never slept.... Got me thinking first of all, maybe that's too much caffeine for one day, also what could potential side effects from drinking be?
    • 1.Dehydration

      Energy drinks are loaded with caffeine. In some cases, you’ll find nearly double the caffeine in an energy drink than you’ll find in a cup of regular coffee. Caffeine is a natural diuretic. This means it increases your need to urinate. In some instances, this can be a good thing. However, if you’re drinking too many energy drinks and taking too much caffeine into your system, you could find yourself urinating too much and essentially drying yourself out.

      2.Heart Issues

      According to Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgeons in Texas, drinking energy drinks can lead to heart issues. Among these issues is Afib or Atrial Fillibration. This is when the heart speeds up and causes an irregular heartbeat. It is believed that large doses of caffeine can lead to this or several other types of heart complications.


      One of the most well-known dangers of energy drinks is insomnia. Due to the high levels of caffeine and sugar in some of the most popular energy drinks, it is common for drinkers to find themselves unable to sleep regularly. Insomnia can be acute or short-term. When you can’t get a good night’s sleep, you feel tired throughout the day and often have issues focusing on what’s happening around you.


      Ingesting high amounts of caffeine, the main ingredient in energy drinks can lead to anxiety. According to the National Library of Medicine, research shows that energy drinks can cause anxiety and depression, especially in young men.

      5.Too Much Sugar

      When people talk about energy drinks, it’s normally the caffeine content they are concerned with. Many of these drinks have another hidden issue people don’t take into account. Sugar. For people who enjoy several energy drinks a day, the potential of ingesting too much sugar is possible. This can lead to diabetes and other complications thanks to these sweet drinks.

      Good Friend :play: Kinda Romantic :love: Ready to Rock :zomg:

      "If you try to follow fashion you'll always be chasing, and probably never catch it. If you be yourself and make your own style, fashion might just bump into you one day."
    • Energy drinks are fine in moderation, but more than one a day is pretty bad...

      If you want a healthier energy drink, brands like Rowdy and Celsius are good ones, but still more than one a day isn't great for you

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      R.I.P. VT
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    • Kara Zor-El wrote:

      SouthernDude wrote:

      Energy drinks are fine in moderation
      I see what you did there.
      Every mod needs their energy drink

      "We didn't realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun." - Winnie the Pooh

      R.I.P. VT
      2004 - 2021

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