Mostly for boys, but not entirely: Showing your armpits to other guys.

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    • Mostly for boys, but not entirely: Showing your armpits to other guys.

      I am a boy. When I grew visible armpit hair, I was in the gym locker room and tried to show other guys my armpits at every opportunity. I also tried to see the armpits of other guys. Have you done this? How did it happen? Have you been able to see the armpits of others? Have the guys seen your armpits? Have you talked to your friends about hair on different parts of the body (particularly in the armpits)? Or did you immediately shave your armpits?
    • I started puberty late so I was pretty excited when I got pubic hair and very excited when I could get armpit hair. I most definitely wanted people to see that I had armpit hair because I was so excited and so proud of it. And yes I think I definitely look around to see what guys have armpit hair in what county is still don’t
    • My guess is getting arm pit hair is an obvious sign of entering puberty and maturing, so it's OK to want to show it off. Better than dropping your pants to show off your pubes :)

      I don't even think about my arm pit hair, or care if anyone sees that I have some. It just grew like it's supposed to, no big deal to me. I was much more excited about finally getting pubes as I was the last of my friends. And full disclosure, in private I did pull my pants down to show them off to my friends
    • maseb wrote:

      My guess is getting arm pit hair is an obvious sign of entering puberty and maturing, so it's OK to want to show it off. Better than dropping your pants to show off your pubes :)

      I don't even think about my arm pit hair, or care if anyone sees that I have some. It just grew like it's supposed to, no big deal to me. I was much more excited about finally getting pubes as I was the last of my friends. And full disclosure, in private I did pull my pants down to show them off to my friends
      agreed. I didn’t start until late so even after I got pubes I didn’t get armpit hair until I was about 15.
    • maseb wrote:

      My guess is getting arm pit hair is an obvious sign of entering puberty and maturing, so it's OK to want to show it off. Better than dropping your pants to show off your pubes :)

      I don't even think about my arm pit hair, or care if anyone sees that I have some. It just grew like it's supposed to, no big deal to me. I was much more excited about finally getting pubes as I was the last of my friends. And full disclosure, in private I did pull my pants down to show them off to my friends
      Interesting. None of my friends have seen me completely naked and I have not seen any of my friends naked.
    • Sean2001 wrote:

      I have not found excuses to raise my arms so others can see my pit hair, though neither have I kept my arms down to avoid others seeing.

      I have definitely seen someone else doing it, though. At the swimming pool, another boy, surrounded by girls, was raising his arms at every possible moment
      I think it depends on the age. I think that if you are a young boy just starting puberty and developing you want to show off your developing body but if you’re older and done with puberty than you probably don’t think it’s a big deal.
    • Armpit hair is kind of weird. I don't really want anyone to see it specifically, though I have it (not a ton) and I don't shave it. But this reminds me of last year during swimming in P.E. and a couple of the girls in my class were acting kind of surprised and even a little grossed out by the guys' visible armpit hair (guess they hadn't really seen that or noticed it before), but it's like, yeah we're dudes and we're probably not gonna shave it off :lol: