Climate change

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    • I'm pretty sure this will prove it's real

      The UK has been slowly getting warmer since the 19th Century, and this has sped up. In the past three decades the country has become 0.9C warmer on average, according to the UK State of the Climate report in 2020.

      Nine out of ten of the hottest days ever recorded in the UK have been since 1990, according to the Met Office.

      There is also the scale of the heatwaves to consider, when comparing temperatures with those in 1976.

      That summer, the UK and France were among a handful of countries experiencing high temperatures.

      But if you look at the heat maps (produced by NASA) for June 2022, it shows many more countries affected.

      "We can easily see how much warmer the global climate has become - with very few areas actually colder than normal," says BBC Weather presenter, Matt Taylor.


      The Met Office estimates that this heatwave has been made ten times more likely because of climate change.

      The overwhelming majority of scientists agree greenhouse gases - which trap the sun's heat - are causing a rise in global temperatures and climate change.

      This has brought more extreme weather. Periods of intense heat do occur within natural weather patterns, but they are becoming more frequent around the world, more intense and are lasting longer as a result of global warming.

      Good Friend :play: Kinda Romantic :love: Ready to Rock :zomg:

      "If you try to follow fashion you'll always be chasing, and probably never catch it. If you be yourself and make your own style, fashion might just bump into you one day."
    • Alanjr wrote:

      I'm of the opinion Earth is warming naturally. It's a living planet. But I doubt man caused this and we can't change it
      the earth warming and cooling is a natural occurrence. Like going from dinosaurs age, to ice age, then to current human age. But those changes are in thousands and millions of years. But because we're burning the stored gases and fossilised remains that were stored there during those prehistoric times. The time line is instead decades, and even years.

      If in the billions of years theres been a universe, every other occurrence of global warming and cooling has occurred over millions of years. The fact that the severity and speed of change has only ever occurred now (and the only difference is human existence, and industry) it points to us causing it

      Good Friend :play: Kinda Romantic :love: Ready to Rock :zomg:

      "If you try to follow fashion you'll always be chasing, and probably never catch it. If you be yourself and make your own style, fashion might just bump into you one day."
    • I believe that climate change is real, but humans are not the root cause for what we are seeing today. The earth goes through heating and cooling cycles, both shorter term and longer term. The shorter term ones last for about 80 years, and the longer ones thousands. We are about 10,000 years overdue for a large cooling period, and don't forget that in the 1970's scientists were warning about another ice age coming.

      Climatologists have not once been right about major predictions in the last 60 years, so they're probably wrong now too.

      "We didn't realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun." - Winnie the Pooh

      R.I.P. VT
      2004 - 2021

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    • Alanjr wrote:

      China and India are two of the biggest users of coal. The US is way down the list. Nobody cares but the US. Sad. What's gonna happen when we're older?
      I know it's not polite to ask. But are you at least 18? You sound so intelligent
      In 2021, it's true that China was the main emitter of greenhouse gases (27% of the total). But US was not 'way down the list': it was at the 2d place, being responsible of 11% of the total. India emitted 6.6% of the total and EU was responsible of 6.4%.

      Also, "nobody cares but the US" is completely wrong. Partly because it ignores the efforts made by Europe in this field for the last 30 years or so. And let's not forget that Trump, who left the Paris Agreement and cut down funds used to fight global warming, was elected by... US citizens. This shows that, obviously, not everybody cares in the US.

      Sorry if I sound rude towards your country, but that's the kind of narrow view of the world that I find very irritating.
    • SouthernDude wrote:

      Climatologists have not once been right about major predictions in the last 60 years, so they're probably wrong now too.
      Sorry, but no, that's just not true. See for example This article from Science.

      The science behind this flys way above my league, but if I get the article Science refers to, the predictions given by 10 climate models designed between 1970 and late 2000s gave results close to what actually happened. The article concludes that "Model simulations published between 1970 and 2007 were skillful in projecting future global mean surface warming".

      When searching if that claim was true (mostly thanks to internationalskeptics and a few similar science-related forums I often read), I heard that in 1988, a Dr Hansen made apocalyptical predictions about climate change, that are since then used as a widely-quoted example on how climatologists were wrong. But what I found was that he did not predict unavoidable apocalypse; he actually calculated three scenarios: the first was the "apocalypse" one, that would happen if nothing changed; the second was a "wonderful world" one, if humanity did everything it should to reduce pollution effects; and the third was what would happen if humanity choose a middle ground between both. And, actually, that scenario describes pretty accurately what happened. The Guardian has a nice article about it, that explains how Dr Hansen's data was manipulated to make it appear as completely off the mark.

      So, hum, I really wonder where you got the idea that climatologists have not once been right in major predictions in the last 60 years, because a large majority of scientific articles and publications seem to say quite the opposite.
    • SouthernDude wrote:

      I believe that climate change is real, but humans are not the root cause for what we are seeing today. The earth goes through heating and cooling cycles, both shorter term and longer term. The shorter term ones last for about 80 years, and the longer ones thousands. We are about 10,000 years overdue for a large cooling period, and don't forget that in the 1970's scientists were warning about another ice age coming.

      Climatologists have not once been right about major predictions in the last 60 years, so they're probably wrong now too.
      Human industrial activity has accelerated the natural phase, scientists by and large have been accurate
      The northern and southern ice packs are shrinking so instead of reflecting as much heat away from the poles the ocean absorbs and speeds up the melting which further reduces the reflection, a dangerous cycle

      so expect more and worse storms
    • Alanjr wrote:

      China and India are two of the biggest users of coal. The US is way down the list. Nobody cares but the US. Sad. What's gonna happen when we're older?
      I know it's not polite to ask. But are you at least 18? You sound so intelligent
      China and India use more coal and oil because they have more people. When you go per capita the US, Canada and Australia are at the top of the list

      SouthernDude wrote:

      I believe that climate change is real, but humans are not the root cause for what we are seeing today. The earth goes through heating and cooling cycles, both shorter term and longer term. The shorter term ones last for about 80 years, and the longer ones thousands. We are about 10,000 years overdue for a large cooling period, and don't forget that in the 1970's scientists were warning about another ice age coming.

      Climatologists have not once been right about major predictions in the last 60 years, so they're probably wrong now too.
      never changing this drastic this fast other than during major global disasters like super volcano or the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs

      Ryzen wrote:

      Alanjr wrote:

      China and India are two of the biggest users of coal. The US is way down the list. Nobody cares but the US. Sad. What's gonna happen when we're older?
      I know it's not polite to ask. But are you at least 18? You sound so intelligent
      In 2021, it's true that China was the main emitter of greenhouse gases (27% of the total). But US was not 'way down the list': it was at the 2d place, being responsible of 11% of the total. India emitted 6.6% of the total and EU was responsible of 6.4%.
      Also, "nobody cares but the US" is completely wrong. Partly because it ignores the efforts made by Europe in this field for the last 30 years or so. And let's not forget that Trump, who left the Paris Agreement and cut down funds used to fight global warming, was elected by... US citizens. This shows that, obviously, not everybody cares in the US.

      Sorry if I sound rude towards your country, but that's the kind of narrow view of the world that I find very irritating.
      nobody cares no country is doing close to enough almost all of them are actually increasing their use of fossil fuel.
    • Alanjr wrote:

      Do any of you really believe climate change is real? Or do you, like me, think it's a diversion?
      Yes the climate is changing, seen what happened this year ? Records of glaciers melting, of drought, of heatwave, of floodings, and of low level of water in lakes
      So yes climate is changing but some people think that's just natural and that man may not be as responsible as they say
    • The climate is changing - agreed. BUT Earth is a living planet. Some changes are natural. Some are more rapid because of man. But climate change is being used as the excuse (in California) to get rid of all gas engines soon. They can't even run homes and now they want electric cars. Duh! Look what happened in S. Africa!!
    • Alanjr wrote:

      The climate is changing - agreed. BUT Earth is a living planet. Some changes are natural. Some are more rapid because of man. But climate change is being used as the excuse (in California) to get rid of all gas engines soon. They can't even run homes and now they want electric cars. Duh! Look what happened in S. Africa!!
      Phasing out fossil fuels is good even if you don’t believe in climate change
      Finite fuel sources aren’t sustainable or reliable
      Human activity has clearly accelerated the natural patterns, there is no reason not to treat it seriously, there is no downside to reduce/eliminating fossil fuel use