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    • Circumcision

      How old are you?

      Are you a boy or girl?

      What state or country do you live in?

      How common is circumcision where you live?

      For boys

      Are you circumcised?

      If so, when was it done and why?

      Do you like being or not being circumcised?

      If your not circumcised, have you had any trouble retracting your foreskin? Has your doctor or anyone else recommend you get circumcised?

      If you could change your circumcision status, would you?

      For girls

      Have you had any boyfriends that you have seen their penis? If so, have they been circumcised?

      For both

      Do you have any brothers or other male family members (like cousins and such) you're close to? If so are they circumcised?

      Besides family, of the boys you have seen naked, how many were circumcised vs not circumcised?

      Do you have a preference on if a boy should be circumcised or not?
    • How old are you? 16

      Are you a boy or girl? boy

      What state or country do you live in? germany

      How common is circumcision where you live? not common

      For boys

      Are you circumcised? yes

      If so, when was it done and why? a few years ago because i wanted it

      Do you like being or not being circumcised? like being circumcised - i choosed to be

      If your not circumcised, have you had any trouble retracting your foreskin? Has your doctor or anyone else recommend you get circumcised? no

      If you could change your circumcision status, would you? no

      For girls

      Have you had any boyfriends that you have seen their penis? If so, have they been circumcised?

      For both

      Do you have any brothers or other male family members (like cousins and such) you're close to? If so are they circumcised? they are not

      Besides family, of the boys you have seen naked, how many were circumcised vs not circumcised? maybe 15-20% circumcised

      Do you have a preference on if a boy should be circumcised or not? I like the look of circumcised better but there are more important thing than that i guess xD
    • How old are you? 15

      Are you a boy or girl? Boy

      What state or country do you live in? Southern US

      How common is circumcision where you live? My understanding is it's pretty commom

      For boys

      Are you circumcised? Yes

      If so, when was it done and why? Because my dad is and it's pretty common around here, even for non religious reasons

      Do you like being or not being circumcised? Yes

      If your not circumcised, have you had any trouble retracting your foreskin? Has your doctor or anyone else recommend you get circumcised? N/A

      If you could change your circumcision status, would you? No

      For girls

      Have you had any boyfriends that you have seen their penis? If so, have they been circumcised?

      For both

      Do you have any brothers or other male family members (like cousins and such) you're close to? If so are they circumcised? One bro and he is circumcised also

      Besides family, of the boys you have seen naked, how many were circumcised vs not circumcised? As far as I can remember, they were all circumcised

      Do you have a preference on if a boy should be circumcised or not? I do like the look and benefits of circumcision better
    • How old are you? 15

      Are you a boy or girl? boy

      What state or country do you live in? California

      How common is circumcision where you live? I'm pretty sure it's common

      For boys

      Are you circumcised? No

      If so, when was it done and why?

      Do you like being or not being circumcised? Uhh... I've never really thought about it.

      If your not circumcised, have you had any trouble retracting your foreskin? Has your doctor or anyone else recommend you get circumcised? No trouble retracting, doctor hasn't said anything.

      If you could change your circumcision status, would you? Never really thought about it or looked into it.

      For girls

      Have you had any boyfriends that you have seen their penis? If so, have they been circumcised?

      For both

      Do you have any brothers or other male family members (like cousins and such) you're close to? If so are they circumcised? My brother isn't circumcised, not sure about my cousins.

      Besides family, of the boys you have seen naked, how many were circumcised vs not circumcised? I haven't actually seen anyone else naked outside of family members.

      Do you have a preference on if a boy should be circumcised or not? Like I said, never really thought about it
    • Pepsifan wrote:

      How old are you? 18

      Are you a boy or girl? boy

      What state or country do you live in? Michigan

      How common is circumcision where you live? very

      For boys

      Are you circumcised? yes

      If so, when was it done and why? at birth

      Do you like being or not being circumcised? like it

      If your not circumcised, have you had any trouble retracting your foreskin? Has your doctor or anyone else recommend you get circumcised?

      If you could change your circumcision status, would you? no

      For girls

      Have you had any boyfriends that you have seen their penis? If so, have they been circumcised?

      For both

      Do you have any brothers or other male family members (like cousins and such) you're close to? If so are they circumcised? all are cut

      Besides family, of the boys you have seen naked, how many were circumcised vs not circumcised? one guy in my class is uncut

      Do you have a preference on if a boy should be circumcised or not? cut
    • How old are you?

      Are you a boy or girl?

      What state or country do you live in?

      How common is circumcision where you live?

      For boys

      Are you circumcised?

      If so, when was it done and why?
      When I was a baby

      Do you like being or not being circumcised?
      Idk I don't know what it's like to not be

      If you could change your circumcision status, would you?
      I don't think so.

      For both

      Do you have any brothers or other male family members (like cousins and such) you're close to? If so are they circumcised?
      My cousin is.

      Besides family, of the boys you have seen naked, how many were circumcised vs not circumcised?
      Most are but not all.

      Do you have a preference on if a boy should be circumcised or not?
      Let him decide.
    • How old are you? 18

      Are you a boy or girl? Boy

      What state or country do you live in? Germany

      How common is circumcision where you live?
      Not very common
      For boys

      Are you circumcised? Yup

      If so, when was it done and why? At 14 i wanted to get it done and my parents encouraged me

      Do you like being or not being circumcised? Yes definitely

      If your not circumcised, have you had any trouble retracting your foreskin? Has your doctor or anyone else recommend you get circumcised?

      If you could change your circumcision status, would you? Never

      For girls

      Have you had any boyfriends that you have seen their penis? If so, have they been circumcised?

      For both

      Do you have any brothers or other male family members (like cousins and such) you're close to? If so are they circumcised? Only my father

      Besides family, of the boys you have seen naked, how many were circumcised vs not circumcised? Not many didn’t see many tho

      Do you have a preference on if a boy should be circumcised or not? I’m straight so not really but if I had a son I would get him cut at birth
    • How old are you? 13

      Are you a boy or girl? Boy

      What state or country do you live in? Buckinghamshire, England

      How common is circumcision where you live? Not common at all

      For boys
      Are you circumcised? Yes

      If so, when was it done and why? When I was a kid and because my dad is

      Do you like being or not being circumcised? Yes

      If your not circumcised, have you had any trouble retracting your foreskin? Has your doctor or anyone else recommend you get circumcised?

      If you could change your circumcision status, would you? Yes for a few days to see how it feels to have foreskin lol

      For girls
      Have you had any boyfriends that you have seen their penis? If so, have they been circumcised?

      For both
      Do you have any brothers or other male family members (like cousins and such) you're close to? If so are they circumcised? Yes my brothers and cousins

      Besides family, of the boys you have seen naked, how many were circumcised vs not circumcised? Only few are circumsized

      Do you have a preference on if a boy should be circumcised or not? Either way is fine
    • While I know OP is gone (he messaged me once and he was a little...odd, let's say), I'll answer for an additional uncut perspective:

      Are you circumcised? No
      What state or country do you live in? California, U.S.
      How common is circumcision where you live? It is less common here than in other parts of the U.S.
      I'll add: why was it not done? My parents are European immigrants; they are from countries where it is rarely done if you are not Muslim or Jewish.
      Do you like being or not being circumcised? Yes
      If your not circumcised, have you had any trouble retracting your foreskin? Has your doctor or anyone else recommend you get circumcised? It is normal for the foreskin to be tighter when you are younger and for it to loosen as you get older. Mine was definitely tighter when I was younger; I have no issues with it now, even if it is not perfectly loose. I remember my doctor recommending that I retract it in the shower to loosen it, but I was never told to get circumcised.
      If you could change your circumcision status, would you? No, I prefer having a very sensitive part of my body protected.
      Do you have any brothers or other male family members (like cousins and such) you're close to? If so are they circumcised? None of the males in my family are circumcised that I know of, whether they live in Europe or here.
      Besides family, of the boys you have seen naked, how many were circumcised vs not circumcised? I have seen only a few, and I have seen both. And though I have not seen them all, of myself and my three closest male friends, only one of us is cut.
      Do you have a preference on if a boy should be circumcised or not? I have no preference whatsoever.
    • How old are you? 13

      Are you a boy or girl? boi

      What state or country do you live in? US

      How common is circumcision where you live? pretty common ig

      For boys

      Are you circumcised? no

      If so, when was it done and why?

      Do you like being or not being circumcised? i like it how it is

      If your not circumcised, have you had any trouble retracting your foreskin? Has your doctor or anyone else recommend you get circumcised? yeah i still can’t retract it all the way but no one’s concerned about that they just say that it happens at different times for different people

      If you could change your circumcision status, would you? nooo

      For girls

      Have you had any boyfriends that you have seen their penis? If so, have they been circumcised?

      For both

      Do you have any brothers or other male family members (like cousins and such) you're close to? If so are they circumcised? yes and they r all uncircumcised

      Besides family, of the boys you have seen naked, how many were circumcised vs not circumcised? pretty even but i think a little more circumcised than not

      Do you have a preference on if a boy should be circumcised or not? i dont like the idea of doing it on a baby who has no say in the matter but if they want it done when they’re old enough to decide for themself that’s their choice
    • Are you circumcised?no

      If so, when was it done and why?/

      Do you like being or not being circumcised?i would like to feel how circumsized is

      If your not circumcised, have you had any trouble retracting your foreskin? Has your doctor or anyone else recommend you get circumcised?no

      If you could change your circumcision status, would you?probbably
      Do you have any brothers or other male family members (like cousins and such) you're close to? If so are they circumcised?yes

      Besides family, of the boys you have seen naked, how many were circumcised vs not circumcised?
      like alot werent circumsized
      Do you have a preference on if a boy should be circumcised or not?i mean do what u want
    • How old are you? 14

      Are you a boy or girl? Boy

      What state or country do you live in? USA

      How common is circumcision where you live? Pretty common

      For boys

      Are you circumcised? Yes

      If so, when was it done and why? When I was 12, I had phimosis and it was difficult to pee. It was tight and was hurting. My late puberty didn't help either.

      Do you like being or not being circumcised? I don't mind it. It is nice that I'm the same as my friends now.

      If your not circumcised, have you had any trouble retracting your foreskin? Has your doctor or anyone else recommend you get circumcised?

      If you could change your circumcision status, would you?

      For both

      Do you have any brothers or other male family members (like cousins and such) you're close to? If so are they circumcised? My 12 year brother is not, idk about my dad.

      Besides family, of the boys you have seen naked, how many were circumcised vs not circumcised? All of them are circumcised.

      Do you have a preference on if a boy should be circumcised or not? I don't care.
    • How old are you? 14

      Are you a boy or girl? Girl

      What state or country do you live in? UK

      How common is circumcision where you live? Not very

      For girls

      Have you had any boyfriends that you have seen their penis? If so, have they been circumcised? No they haven’t

      For both

      Do you have any brothers or other male family members (like cousins and such) you're close to? If so are they circumcised? No

      Besides family, of the boys you have seen naked, how many were circumcised vs not circumcised? None have been

      Do you have a preference on if a boy should be circumcised or not? I prefer uncut
      <3 :kiss: <3 :kiss: <3 :kiss:
    • How old are you? 14

      Are you a boy or girl? Boy

      What state or country do you live in?

      How common is circumcision where you live? most are uncut

      For boys

      Are you circumcised? No

      If so, when was it done and why?

      Do you like being or not being circumcised? Yes

      If your not circumcised, have you had any trouble retracting your foreskin? Has your doctor or anyone else recommend you get circumcised? No

      If you could change your circumcision status, would you? No

      For both

      Do you have any brothers or other male family members (like cousins and such) you're close to? If so are they circumcised? No

      Besides family, of the boys you have seen naked, how many were circumcised vs not circumcised? One boy I know is

      Do you have a preference on if a boy should be circumcised or not? no