Shame and embarrassment

    • Shame and embarrassment

      Does anybody else just feel bad and ashamed about puberty?
      I feel like everybody that meets me is knowing what is going on and it's embarrassing. And it's embarrassing because I don't know what everybody older than me knows yet it's my body and idk
      It just sucks
      And I feel like I can't express how much it sucks because I don't have the words for it
    • aprons wrote:

      Does anybody else just feel bad and ashamed about puberty?
      I feel like everybody that meets me is knowing what is going on and it's embarrassing. And it's embarrassing because I don't know what everybody older than me knows yet it's my body and idk
      It just sucks
      And I feel like I can't express how much it sucks because I don't have the words for it
      Everything you said makes sense and seems perfectly normal. I tend to overthink things I think so I get your thinking. But I'm probably the opposite. I'm too self concerned to care what other people think lol. Idk if "everybody knows what's going on" with my body bc even tho everyone goes thru similar stuff, nobody goes thru EXACT same stuff and we definitely handle the situations differently! People may assume my pubescent thoughts and my pubescent sexual urges and what stage of puberty I'm at under my clothes but they're just assuming and no matter if they guess some things right, they're also guessing some wring cuz we're all different. So I jus say, "jus do u" and don't worry about others. Easier said than done but it's true.
    • Ya, I agree with nudistjames. I wouldn't say ashamed, 99.9% of people go through puberty so when it's your turn they know what's happening to you and others going through it. It can be at times like for those who's voice cracks when it's going through the change or some boys when the get a noticeable boner. But it's only temporary so you'll get through it and you'll will be fine.
    • I personally don't feel ashamed at all, if anything I see it as an accomplishment. As a boy all I ever wanted was to become a man so everytime something changes in my body during puberty I feel like that's one step closer. Idk, maybe that sounds stupid or silly but I'm oddly proud of my changing voice, my pubes, my bigger sex drive, and no reason boners as awkward as they can be.
    • trey_c wrote:

      I personally don't feel ashamed at all, if anything I see it as an accomplishment. As a boy all I ever wanted was to become a man so everytime something changes in my body during puberty I feel like that's one step closer. Idk, maybe that sounds stupid or silly but I'm oddly proud of my changing voice, my pubes, my bigger sex drive, and no reason boners as awkward as they can be.
      I can relate to this! I want to be like a man too and be 100% done with puberty. But my want to be like my peers is an even stronger feeling. I hated starting puberty before others and just now am getting comfortable with almost nearly looking like a man down there almost.
    • Given the answers so far, I wonder if it is different for girls vs. boys.

      trey_c wrote:

      I personally don't feel ashamed at all, if anything I see it as an accomplishment. As a boy all I ever wanted was to become a man so everytime something changes in my body during puberty I feel like that's one step closer. Idk, maybe that sounds stupid or silly but I'm oddly proud of my changing voice, my pubes, my bigger sex drive, and no reason boners as awkward as they can be.
      I think this is very insightful. Puberty is about the physical change from child to adult and, at some stage, you have to embrace it, looking forwards to adulthood rather than backwards to childhood. But sometimes it can seem like our bodies are ahead of our minds and also ahead of how the rest of society views us.

      Interestingly, those who seem to have the most trouble are early developing girls and late developing boys. In the case of the girls it is that they are starting to look, and to an extent feel, like women when all their peers both male and female are still definitely children and it's like they're not on the same page anymore. For the late developing boys it is the other way around - it feels like they are still children when all around are much more adult.
    • it's nothing to be ashamed about.

      I'm sure everyone has got embarrassed about something at some time. And no matter how old others are there's still probably things they don't know. Everyone's experience of life and growing up is different, so they might know what happened to themselves, and in a general way what your going to experience, but no one other than you will ever know all the details of what you'll feel and experience in puberty.

      While it's embarrassing and can be kinda scary when it's happening. When you get older you'll probably look back and realise it's not as bad as you thought. And be happy and enjoy the young woman you'll become

      Good Friend :play: Kinda Romantic :love: Ready to Rock :zomg:

      "If you try to follow fashion you'll always be chasing, and probably never catch it. If you be yourself and make your own style, fashion might just bump into you one day."
    • I can relate, to some degree. I think in my case it's partly due to not having any siblings, so being the only kid going through awkward changes is tough. It means more attention from my parents, who comment on it all and sometimes I wish they wouldn't. If I had an older sibling to talk to, that would be a lot more helpful. It's also due to being a late bloomer and feeling like I'm behind many of my friends. I look younger than they do even though we're the same age. Luckily I am close with my dad and I have some close male friends I can talk to; I'm just shy so sometimes I avoid the questions I should be asking.
      I see you hate on me 'cause you're mad
      You don't have the shit that I have
      Maybe if you got off your ass
      You could get some too, a big bag